Fins in the glass - trying to understand what happened by the ticks


Actually Si-6.19 instrument 03.04.2019 13:00

I was confused by the spread in the tester - over 60 pips, so went to look at the tick history.

Here's the statement

03.04.2019 13:00:11.950 65811
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65875
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65811 5
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 * * 12471
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65875 55
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65821 3
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65822 4
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65822 3
03.04.2019 13:00:12.008 65814 65819
03.04.2019 13:00:12.009 65819 3

The asterisk omits the purchase volumes.

Here is a graphical representation of the tick

And I don't understand, what kind of situation was this? Suppose someone bought 12471 lots at once (doubtful), but how he bought lots cheaper than in the initial part of the market, namely 65822, if he bought 65875 on this tick? Or is it a chronology recording error? If it's a mistake, then the next ask is already at 65819!

In the section of this tick I have a stop loss, and it is clear that the tester closes at the maximum price, but in fact the price should be lower, for the broker would not have had time to drive the trade into this movement, and the result is a difference of 30 points between ticks and OHLC.

Attached is a minute with ticks.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Actually Si-6.19 instrument 03.04.2019 13:00

I was confused by the spread in the tester - over 60 pips, so went to look at the tick history.

Here's the statement

03.04.2019 13:00:11.950 65811
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65875
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65811 5
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 * * 12471
03.04.2019 13:00:11.979 65875 55
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65821 3
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65822 4
03.04.2019 13:00:12.007 65822 3
03.04.2019 13:00:12.008 65814 65819
03.04.2019 13:00:12.009 65819 3

The asterisk omits the purchase volumes.

Here is a graphical representation of the tick

And I don't understand, what kind of situation was this? Suppose someone bought 12471 lots at once (doubtful), but how he bought lots cheaper than in the initial part of the market, namely 65822, if he bought 65875 on this tick? Or is it a chronology recording error? If it's a mistake, then the next ask is already at 65819!

In the section of this tick I have a stop loss, and it is clear that the tester closes at the maximum price, but in fact the price should be lower, for the broker would not have had time to drive the trade into this movement, and the result is a difference of 30 points between ticks and OHLC.

Attached is a minute with ticks.

What's not to understand? Someone decided to sell on the market, so they collected all the limiters.
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The Si-6.19 tool itself 03.04.2019 13:00


Attached is a minute with ticks.

Look carefully at the file attached by you. For 2019.04.03 13:00:11.979 there are hundreds of ticks with different volumes. The order of ticks in the list provided is not guaranteed. So the price of 2019.04.03 13:00:11.979 65875 was not really the first.

Judging by the ticksheet, indeed someone threw a bid for 12471 lots and thereby ate up the whole cup. It can be seen by the number of bidders who have traded this bid - there are more than a hundred of them, for sure.

In general, the situation is not typical for Sishka, because even suckers do not trade with such volumes on this instrument with market bids.

Vladimir Simakov:
What's not clear? Somebody decided to sell on the market, so he collected all the limiters.

Two things that are not clear are the consistency and the strong price bounce, i.e. the appearance of the pending orders almost in the same place after the market buyback.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Look carefully at the file attached by you. On 2019.04.03 13:00:11.979 there are hundreds of ticks with different volumes.

The tick is just one, i.e. it is one movement on the cup, since there is no Ask and Bid between them. Actually, the price has jumped, and in the interval those volumes that were eaten. And note the timing of the return tail - it does not coincide with the main movement, which also raises questions...

Vasiliy Sokolov:

The order of ticks in the list provided is not guaranteed.

I really missed that, where does it say that? Also, if it was live delays, fine, but here we are talking about historical data where the chronology is supposed to be restored.
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I really missed that, where does it say that? Besides, if it were live delays, ok, but here we are talking about historical data, in which, according to idea, the chronology should have been restored.

Ticks are price-deterministic, not time-deterministic. A tick is a database entry that brings together a buyer and a seller. Entries can be made simultaneously, in batches, one tick from a batch has no time advantage over another tick from the same batch, even if their prices are different. That is, they are actually created simultaneously.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The tick is exactly the same...

There is only one tick. You can see on the tape that there are hundreds of them:

2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65811   5.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65812   17.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65812   3.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65812   4.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65812   4.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   2.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   17.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   4.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   5.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65813   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   3.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   2.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   17.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   10.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65814   25.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   5.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   10.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   20.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   1.00000000
2019.04.03      13:00:11.979                    65875   55.00000000
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Two things that are not clear are the consistency and the strong price bounce, i.e. the appearance of the pending orders in almost the same place after a market buyout.

Competitive market. The flow of limit orders is very powerful: dozens of orders per second can go in. After all the liquidity is gobbled up, the glass is immediately filled with new limit orders, maintaining liquidity. No one would simply move the price by 50 rubles, even by a single large bid. In illiquid, non-competitive markets, yes, it is possible; in markets like Si, it takes some pro-trading before the price changes.

The famous flash cross happened due to the fact that the limit order flow was not big enough. The market order flow turned out to be much stronger, everybody rushed to sell on the market and price-givers did not have enough time to place their orders. Having analysed the situation, the exchanges introduced a restriction on the placing of market orders that work in certain cases - the idea is to give liquidity providers time (a few seconds) to place limit orders, protecting the market from a failure.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Ticks are price-deterministic, not time-deterministic. A tick is a database entry that brings together a buyer and a seller. Entries can be made simultaneously, in batches, one tick from a batch has no time advantage over another tick from the same batch, even if their prices are different. That is, they are actually created simultaneously.

What about one. You can see on the tape that there are hundreds of them:

OK, let's put it this way - 1 trade can contain more than one tick. After each trade we see asks and bids in the file - do you agree?

Here was one trade, because in the gap there are no other asks and bids - the buy and sell prices, because they are updated after the end of the trade.

Then how is it that the deal was split into time slots? How did the price and time returns occur later than the main deal.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Competitive market. The flow of limit orders is very powerful: there can be dozens of orders per second. After all the liquidity is gobbled up, the glass is immediately filled with new limit orders, maintaining the liquidity. No one would simply move the price by 50 rubles, even by a single large bid. In illiquid, non-competitive markets, yes, it is possible; in markets like Si, you need to trade through before the price can change.

I can't agree with that - at strong moves just the limits move after the price, and if the whole glass is eaten, only MM can fill it immediately with the same prices - why do other participants need it? As the result we can assume that MM processed the order and put limits in the glass at the same frame. I.e., he did it not after the deal closure, but immediately in the same frame, i.e., he either receives information before all market participants, or it is a conspiracy.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:


I can't agree with it - at strong movements just limits move after the price, and if the whole glass is eaten, only MM can fill it immediately with the same prices - why do other participants need it? As the result we can assume that MM processed the order and put limits in the glass at the same frame. It means he did it not after the deal closing, but at once in the same frame, i.e. he gets the information before all market participants or it is a conspiracy.

This is your speculation with a conspiracy theory. There is no MM on Si.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

OK, let's put it this way - 1 trade can contain more than one tick. After each trade we see asks and bids in the file - agree?


One trade = one tick. As many trades, so many ticks. There is no difference between a "trade" and a "tick".

Vasiliy Sokolov:

This is your conspiracy-theory speculation. There is no MM on Si.

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Aleksey Vyazmikin, 2019.03.05 22:19

Looked at the Si futures there and didn't understand, it turns out that 3 companies are now acting as MM at once? As they have it listed that the contract is renewed at the end of 2018.

Here is the list of MMs:

"Joint Stock Commercial Bank Derzhava Public Joint Stock Company"

Limited Liability Company 'Brokercreditservice Company

Limited Liability Company "INTRUST Financial Company

If the first two organizations are known and profiled, the third one I have doubts about, the fact is that it is registered (its founder is)ZAO "Asmk", with an average number of employees 2 people, and the main activity is the " Publication of books, pamphlets, brochures and similar publications, including printed dictionaries and encyclopedias, including for the blind. In other words, the firm is clearly a risk minimiser. At the same time,Asmk has14 founders (shareholders) :)

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