The Sultonov system indicator - page 83


I think it's time to take a piss

Алексей Тарабанов:
Yusuf, this is indecent.

What is it?


Look at the publication date of this indicator - 2006. And here, in 2019, comes a figure who considers himself the world pioneer of non-linear regression.


Yusuf - you have an obvious error in Excel.


You state the hypothesis "The price of the current bar depends on 4 previous bar prices according to the following relationship: C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4".

According to the formula in Excel, it should be a0 instead of C0

C5 - current price

C5 = a0 + a1*C1 + a2*C2 + a3*C3 + a4*C4

That's the first point

second, why do you add three more prices from the future to your calculations (judging by the code in excel)?

here you are

last known excel spreadsheet

initial data

the end result is these ratios

But common sense says we can't look into the future.

so at least zero out this data

Then there will be coefficients like this

The equation for the price of 1.1476 can be solved as well.

Please check your Excel.

And it probably differs from the one used in the calculation for the first page of this thread


Maybe it's like this at all

and the coefficients work out.

C5 is also found .

Alexey Klenov:

Yusuf - you have an obvious error in Excel.


You state the hypothesis "The price of the current bar depends on 4 previous bar prices according to the following relationship: C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4".

According to the formula in Excel, it should be a0 instead of C0

C5 - current price

C5 = a0 + a1*C1 + a2*C2 + a3*C3 + a4*C4

This is the first point

second, why do you add three more prices from the future to your calculations (judging by the code in excel)?

here you are

last known excel spreadsheet

initial data

the end result is these ratios

But common sense says we can't look into the future.

so at least zero out this data

Then there will be coefficients like this

The equation for the price of 1.1476 can be solved as well.

Please check your Excel.

And it is most likely differs from the one used in the calculations for the first page of this thread.

Alexey, there is no error, I simply have to admit that I use 9 and not 5 historical price values in my calculations and that's all! And we create SLAU - 4 from this array. In the calculations did not change, I only changed the principle of selection of input data in the structure of SLAU - 4. You too, please change this principle, looking file exel, which I send. I will immediately replace the old file everywhere in the attachment with the new one. Well done for noticing such a discrepancy. We have plenty of historical data. From the fact that, I admitted that there are not 5, but 9 historical prices, there is nothing criminal. Now, I can firmly assert that, future prices are not being used 100% . Now, I need to alert Makana to the need to adjust the MCL code in this way. Basically, why change the code if everything is counted correctly. It's up to you, you want to change it, you don't want to change it.

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You don't understand me... Or Excel.

see for example the command LUMM(G:G)

this is the sum of all values in column G

in this case, the column has x4 prices, but this column contains the prices that do not yet formally exist

Once again I ask you to check these calculations.

i.e. if we draw a chart, coefficients a0...a5 should be under price c5

but for the calculation we use data from Ц6 Ц7 Ц8

i.e. three prices from the future.

Alexey Klenov:

You don't understand me... Or Excel.

see for example the command LUMM(G:G)

this is the sum of all values in column G

in this case, the column has x4 prices, but this column contains the prices that do not yet formally exist

Once again I ask you to check these calculations.

i.e. if we draw a chart, coefficients a0...a5 should be under price c5

but for the calculation we use data from Ц6 Ц7 Ц8

that is, three prices from the future.

Eh, Alexey, I will have to remove you from the Schnobel board of honor.

Alexey Klenov:

You don't understand me... Or Excel.

see for example the command LUMM(G:G)

this is the sum of all values in column G

in this case, the column has x4 prices, but this column contains the prices that do not yet formally exist

Once again I ask you to check these calculations.

i.e. if we draw a chart, coefficients a0...a5 should be under price c5

but for the calculation we use data from Ц6 Ц7 Ц8

i.e. three prices from the future.

Now, I admit that I use the nearest 9 historical prices in calculation of market conditions at the moment of opening of the last bar.

1 1,1459
2 1,1342
3 1,1392
4 1,1408
5 1,1476
6 1,1441
7 1,1549
8 1,1498
9 1,1464

And we create such an SLAU containing only 9 historical data using this principle:

n x1 x2 x3 x4 y
1 Ц1 Ц2 Ц3 Ц4 Ц5
2 Ц2 Ц3 Ц4 Ц5 Ц6
3 Ц3 Ц4 Ц5 Ц6 Ц7
4 Ц4 Ц5 Ц6 Ц7 Ц8
5 Ц5 Ц6 Ц7 Ц8 Ц9
n x1 x2 x3 x4 y
1 1,1459 1,1342 1,1392 1,1408 1,1476
2 1,1342 1,1392 1,1408 1,1476 1,1441
3 1,1392 1,1408 1,1476 1,1441 1,1549
4 1,1408 1,1476 1,1441 1,1549 1,1498
5 1,1476 1,1441 1,1549 1,1498 1,1464

Solving it, we find a set of 5 coefficients which accurately describe the nearest 5 bar opening prices of the historical data

a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 Yr
-2,670058919 -0,562875608 3,192783137 0,03477898 1,173723241 1,1476
-2,670058919 -0,562875608 3,192783137 0,03477898 1,173723241 1,1441
-2,670058919 -0,562875608 3,192783137 0,03477898 1,173723241 1,1549
-2,670058919 -0,562875608 3,192783137 0,03477898 1,173723241 1,1498
-2,670058919 -0,562875608 3,192783137 0,03477898 1,173723241 1,1464
At the same time, the indicator code on the Exel and MKL is not changed.