The Sultonov system indicator - page 117

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

singular matrix decomposition, or just singular decomposition

Google is working today.

Why bring it up here and now?

That the method exists, I sort of didn't doubt it. But Yusuf presents it as his discovery. And the deductions from the book (or rather hints at deductions) as his own deductions.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why here and now about him?

Nothing, that's it, forgotten

I don't give a shit what he gives out, I'm just throwing it out there for whoever needs it.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Nothing, that's it, forgotten.

You have to expand your awareness of what is going on from one last post, to the last 2-3.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

nothing, that's it, forgotten

I do not give a damn what he produces, he just passed the information on to those who need it.

That's not what I had a question for you, but why was it written here about the famous SVG? Is this where it is?

Looks like Yusuf was slyly looking for a free programmer to code something from some book. And shame on him - a grown man with a scientific degree and the title, even teaching young people. The shame is indelible.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You need to expand your awareness of what's going on from one last post to the last 2 or 3.

I mean, he's sick of bringing up the gauss method and his free dick as if it's something interesting.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I mean, he's sick of bringing in the Gauss method and his free cock as if it's something interesting.

Got it)))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

That's not what I had a question for you, but what was the point of writing about the famous SVG here? Is this where it is?

It seems that Yusuf was slyly looking for a free programmer to code something from some book. And shame on him - a grown man with a scientific degree and the title, teaching young people. The shame is indelible.

there by Gauss method, and I wrote that you can solve it by SVD method

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

there by the Gaussian method, and I wrote that you can solve it by the SVD method

It doesn't change anything anymore.

Igor Zakharov:

Based on...

I have changed the equation to:

Ts5 = a0C0+ a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4

as only in this case they (coefficients) will have a hint of geometric meaning (something like degree of significance). Without reinventing the wheel, solved the system by the Gaussian method.

Then, by way of nonsense, I decided to play with coefficients... And strangely enough, there's something about them: for example their sum is always greater than 0 :)

If I use them considering bar direction and averaging, I get a trend indicator:)

I am attaching the file for those who are curious:

How about this? Igor writes that there is a radical grain in Yusuf's words, and even gives an example.
Why shouldn't this topic be developed further?

"Comrade Bender, when will we share our money! ")) A strange desire to describe people's behaviour in algebraic formulas. At least try to do it with the example of one peddler at the bazaar. I'm sure you'll get a Nobel Prize))