Regularity or Randomness - page 14

If you look at the hour chart, the candle body is 5-15 points and the tail is 20 points or more ...
If there were no patterns, there would be no super raiders in the american market, yes the american market is not exactly forex, but candlestick patterns are axiomatic for all markets ... then ... if there were no patterns, you would never see random accounts with a history of over 5 years and a profit of 60 000%! Of course, most forex robots and scalping is very difficult for humans.The problem is that most forex robots are scalping, it's very hard for a human to wait a month for a suitable point to enter the market for a brand or to catch a pullback at a good level, which you can easily find almost daily in the american market... while in forex with its correlation you have up to 10 options.
Veniamin Skrepkov:

It can be assumed that randomness is an unconscious regularity and has an infinite set of parameters (hypothesis)). I.e., in order to "limit" the parameters, we have to a) define the phase boundaries of the cycle in question (it may be planetary movements, ebb and flow); b) subjective reality (internal microcosm) co-operates with reality (macrocosm); c) reality (givenness) is formed on the basis of (point a). And I would single out G. Gann as a trader who generalized macro and micro processes. )))).

Gann was a big fraud.


If you trade on a totally random chart (SB), then on average, over the long run, all traders will be at zero. I.e. no one is losing money to anyone. Money is lost only due to spread and commission.

Again, this is the laws of statistics, not my opinion.

The market is not a completely random process, so a correction for it: 99.999% of traders lose money (not 100%). But also at the expense of costs.

Get into the essence of losses. What do you mean, nobody is losing money? It's not a hole in a bagel, money doesn't just fall through the cracks.
I agree, the commission and spread eat up some of the profits. But it is only part of the profit. And the rest feeds the other side of the market.
It's not the commission or the spread that the big guys are going for. It's the real losses.


This already concerns the system of exiting a position, which is essentially equivalent to understanding the market.

If there is a system of entry and exit, and it is worked out, what kind of emotions can we talk about?

I was not talking about myself here, but about human psychology in general.

Andrey Gladyshev:

I wasn't talking about myself here, but about human psychology in general.

There is no psychology; this term hides a lack of understanding of the processes taking place. If you know how to trade, it is not scary, if you don't know, you will sell 100%, and the fear is just talking about lack of understanding of the processes. You have only two possibilities, either you know it or you don't. There is astrology and there is astronomy, there is pharmaceutics and there is homeopathy. I think the differences don't have to be explained. In the market it is the same.
Martin Cheguevara:

Let's better talk about this.

Everyone knows that the market moves there with about a 50/50 chance.

I wonder if it's possible to calculate a 50/50 probability.

That is, understand the degree of randomness of the price movement. Like a probability differential.

50*50 is a flat! If it's so obvious to you that everything is 50*50 then your grail is a martingale!If you don't know what a martingale is and how it works and why in the case of 50/50 martingale is the Holy Grail, then you all the more do not know what you're writing about... flip a coin in the air you have only two choices, heads or tails, right?it's no longer 50/50! and the market is much more complicated than the heads and tails in my example)

The price is random to the observer at least.
It's very easy to prove)
All you have to do is start trading and voila in a couple of days)
Maxim Romanov:
There is no psychology, this term hides a lack of understanding of what is going on. If you know how to trade, it is not scary, if you do not know, you will lose 100% and fear is just a sign of a lack of understanding of the processes. You have only two possibilities, either you know it or you don't. There is astrology and there is astronomy, there is pharmaceutics and there is homeopathy. I think the differences don't have to be explained. In the market it is the same.

Human nature is such that even WHEN YOU KNOW, you can also leak.
Just when you got up in the wrong direction, you're dumped anyway. And when you're in the right direction,
you might blow it because you didn't know where to come out. That's where hope comes in.
And the way things are set up, everything comes back to kill the successful ones.
I have long thought that there are three demons in man, they are STRENGTH, HOPE and Greed.
To these you can also add Euphoria. This one turns a blind eye to everything.

Andrey Gladyshev:

Human nature is such that even WHEN you KNOW, you can also drain.
It's just that when you get up in the wrong direction, you're drained anyway. And when you're in the right direction,
you might blow it because you didn't know where to come out. That's where hope comes in.
And the way things are set up, everything comes back to kill the successful ones.
I have long thought that there are three demons in man, they are STRENGTH, HOPE and Greed.
To these you can also add Euphoria. This one turns a blind eye to everything.

and the rest you'd better turn down, that demon is one of the most obnoxious.

I call it "putting on rose-tinted glasses"

In this state a man is as dumb as a log, for he thinks that he has reached the incredible heights of mastery in anything, the goal of his life has been reached and he will never need or want anything


Renat Akhtyamov:

and the rest you'd better turn down, that demon is one of the most obnoxious.

I call it "putting on rose-tinted glasses"

In this state, a person is as dumb as a sack of logs because he thinks that he has reached the incredible heights of excellence in anything, his life's goal has been reached and he will never need or want anything


I've already lost those glasses)) I've already stopped believing in easy bread.