The most banal trading strategy - page 49

sigma is a thing - as soon as someone exceeds its limits, they get knocked down.


It's his own fault.


Renat Akhtyamov:


It's his own fault.


Well, that's right...

Like the song - "dirty girls will be punished, their mothers will be punished"

Not even a little bit of forgiveness.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

You meant the word"important", it is translated as "important", the letter r is not read in this case. So, the phrase sounds like this: "important pi

Yes, Vitaly ! That's exactly the word I meant with you

It's a bit of a tricky day today, I think there's a lot of news on the American Bend.

Dear forum members, as another trivial strategy, let's consider and discuss the following hypothesis: The price of the current bar depends on the 4 price values of the previous bars according to the following relationship

C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4

You may ask why it depends on 4? The point is that, so far, I am able to solve this equation up to 4 variables, the calculated formulas of which I gave earlier:

Let's analyze the behavior of 5 coefficients, perhaps we will be able to get some hints to the regularity. If so, we will open a special thread on the subject for a deeper investigation of this question. What do you think?

Назовите 4 фактора, от которых, на Ваш взгляд, зависит цена
Назовите 4 фактора, от которых, на Ваш взгляд, зависит цена
  • 2016.05.24
Уважаемые форумчане, назовите, пожалуйста, 4 фактора, от которых на Ваш взгляд, зависит уровень цены...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Dear forum members, as another trivial strategy consider and discuss the following hypothesis.....

You may ask why exactly from 4? The point is that, so far, I am able to solve ....

It's been five years.
Dear formers, let's consider and discuss the following......
We will be looking at 48 qubits. You may ask, why 48? The thing is, I can only do 48 so far...


It's been five years.
Dear formers, let's consider and discuss the following......
We will be looking at 48 qubits. You may ask, why 48? The thing is, I can only do 48 so far...

Hi Mr Wizard, I see you're in your stride - not missing an opportunity to try to cut any initiative at the root. That's commendable.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Dear forum members, as another trivial strategy, let's consider and discuss the following hypothesis: The price of the current bar depends on the 4 price values of the previous bars according to the following relationship

C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4

You may ask why it depends on 4? The point is that, so far, I am able to solve this equation up to 4 variables, the calculated formulas of which I gave earlier:

Let's analyze behavior of 5 coefficients, maybe we will be able to come to some hint on regularity. If so, we will open a special thread on the subject for a deeper investigation of this question. What do you think?

Yusuf! I ask you as an artist-what is the main ingredient of pilaw?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Dear forum members, as another trivial strategy, let's consider and discuss the following hypothesis: The price of the current bar depends on the 4 price values of the previous bars according to the following relationship

C5 = C0 + a1C1 + a2C2 + a3C3 + a4C4

You may ask why it depends on 4? The point is that, so far, I am able to solve this equation up to 4 variables, the calculated formulas of which I gave earlier:

Let's analyze behavior of 5 coefficients, maybe we will be able to come to some hint on regularity. If so, we will open a special thread on the subject for a deeper investigation of this question. What do you think?

The price depends solely on the volume of purchases and sales

it's less than 4

In this indicator, set the required polynomial order and get your formula without any fuss.

i-Regr.mq4  5 kb

Yusuf! I ask you as an artist - what is the main ingredient of pilaf?

Recipe for 1 kg of rice (for 6-7 people):

1. Oil - 400g;

Onions - 1 kg;

Beef (lamb) - 1 kg;

4. carrots - 1 kg;

5. Rice - 1 kg.

Bring oil to a boil, add onion and fry until red, add meat and fry for 5-10 minutes, add half of carrot, fry for 10 minutes, add remaining carrot, fry for another 10 minutes, add water, until all mixture is covered with water, gently boil for 30 minutes, add rice, add water until rice is 1 cm over water. Boil on a high heat until the rice has softened and all the water has evaporated and the rice is saturated. Reduce heat to minimum, cover the cauldron with something for 20 minutes. That's it, the pilaf is ready.