What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 42

You're a mt4 user.

I'm not bothered by the 5 like some people are. If I find advantages, I will switch without regret.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Where, in what place? I have a cheat sheet myself. But it would be easier if it were in the official help.

The class has two refresh methods: Refresh() and RefreshRates(). Some data retrieval methods need to be updated with Refresh(), some RefreshRates(), and some don't need to be updated. There is no mention of this in the help.

Quoted data is RefreshRates(), other symbol data is Refresh().

This is the first thing that comes to mind. I agree that such a dry reference is not enough for convenient handling of the class. And in a good way, you should not update the help, but write several articles on the topic of these useful classes. When I dealt with CIndicator, I also spent a long time on how to work out what's what, but this kind of information is not really enough. For example, it's difficult to understand whether the class has a parsimonious calculation of an indicator and whether it has already been organized or I just need it myself. I had no time for analysis and made my own solution for thrift calculation of indicators on the basis of CIndocator class. Maybe I did it in vain - it's already there...
But there are requests for articles. Maybe I should just look into it and write a series of good articles on all these classes? Or at least on trading and indicator classes - there are a lot of interesting and useful things there that people don't know and don't see.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
And what is more interesting, CSymbolInfo class lacks methods similar to SymbolInfoDouble(m_name,SYMBOL_BID) and SymbolInfoDouble(m_name,SYMBOL_ASK) - actually, the things we need the most. But there are Bid() and Ask() methods that work through SymbolInfoTick(), which requires calling RefreshRates(). Not well thought out and not convenient, they should at least explain the nuances in the help.

In the minutiae lies the rawness of the programme, even though they have been working on it for 10 years.

There is undoubtedly a prospect. They are working with understanding.

Реter Konow:

Algotrading is a niche that does not (and should not) require professional programming. They come here in the hope of creating a graphical algorithm, which in itself means a low intellectual level. There is a limit to the comprehension capabilities on which the whole DC "gang" feeds. Do you want to educate the algotraders to be professional programmers? Why? So that there are fewer of them?

Where is the logic in this demanding "level"? Where is this nonsense coming from? Algotrading on MT must be available to the masses, otherwise, the masses will conquer other platforms. The whole thing reeks of nonsense.

A standard library has long been written, and it allows you to write programs "on your knees", as many stuck on four require. And it's even simpler. But here you can scream and they don't want to hear.

Artyom Trishkin:

Quotation data - RefreshRates(), other symbol data - Refresh().

This is the first thing that comes to mind. I agree, such a dry help is not enough for easy work with the class. And in a good way, you should not update the help, but make several articles on the subject of these useful classes. When I dealt with CIndicator, I also spent a long time on how to work out what's what, but this kind of information is not really enough. For example, it's difficult to understand whether the class has a parsimonious calculation of an indicator and whether it has already been organized or I just need it myself. I had no time for analysis and made my own solution for thrift calculation of indicators on the basis of CIndocator class. Maybe I did it in vain - it's already there...
But there are requests for articles. Maybe I should just look into it and write a series of good articles on all these classes? Or at least on trading and indicator classes - there are a lot of interesting and useful things there that people don't know and don't see.

It would be nice to have a description and examples in help, in the same style as for built-in functions to be always at your fingertips.

Artyom Trishkin:

Do you have an old trunk in your closet with torn slippers in it?

The iXXX features have been in the Five for a long time now. For just such lazy people they brought it back.

I know they are...
but why were they discarded at the time?
They thought it was the right thing to create an array, copy into it, pull from it what you need while checking if everything was correct...
So why should I see it, IXXXX, do whatever you want behind the scenes - create, fill, copy, check, and give me the final result, it's a mundane function, why burden the end consumer with it?

Laziness is the engine of progress! But the developers don't seem to know that!


I know they are...
but why were they discarded at the time?
They thought it was the right thing to create an array, copy into it, extract from it what you need and check whether everything was correct...
So why should I see it, IXXXX, do whatever you want behind the scenes - create, fill, copy, check, and give me the final result, it's a mundane function, why burden the end user with it?

Laziness is the engine of progress! But the developers apparently do not know this!

Because they are heavier, which slows down the terminal and the entire system.

Then they added them, of course, but for "pro-gamers" like you.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
And what's interesting, CSymbolInfo class doesn't have methods similar to SymbolInfoDouble(m_name,SYMBOL_BID) and SymbolInfoDouble(m_name,SYMBOL_ASK) - this is what we need most of all. But there are Bid() and Ask() methods that work through SymbolInfoTick(), which requires calling RefreshRates(). It's not smart and convenient, they could at least explain all these nuances in the help.

I have suggested in the SD a long time ago to fix it. I simply put refreshRates() before return in the Bid() and Ask() methods. But it just passed me by.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Because they are heavier,

have you checked?

On the contrary, it is much quicker to get just the day of the week than to get the whole data structure.
Artyom Trishkin:

I suggested to correct this long time ago in SD. Just put RefreshRates() in Bid() and Ask() methods before return. But it just passed me by.

No, you can't do that, it will reduce performance.