Buy a profitable EA! - page 13

Vitaly Muzichenko:

What's clear, Nicholas is a sick man(head)? )))

It is clear that speaking of degradation, the man understands the subject.))


With money they degrade, without money they degrade.

So money is not the problem?

Vladislav Andruschenko:

With money they degrade, without money they degrade.

So it's not the money that's the problem?

That's right!

Реter Konow:

It is clear that by talking about degradation, one understands the topic.))

What is to be understood as degradation?

If you consider that people used to ride horses in a carriage and now drive cars, then ...

A horse has to be fed, you have to grow fodder, you have to clean the horse's excrement, you have to feed it. In a word, it's hard work.

Now you pick up a car in the garage and go straight to where you need to go.

Is it a degradation now, or is it progress, as there are far fewer gestures to make than before?

Vladislav Andruschenko:

I mean, it's a windfall, but to make a robot like that, the author puts in the hard work.

For the author, sure, but what about the author's responsibility for the possible degradation of those who receive his miracle creation?

If a person wants to buy it, let him buy it, what's the problem?

I don't mind, is there anyone here who does?

The author of the thread has only written two posts, one of which is the first....
Uladzimir Kirychenka:

What's with the refill? Is it another profit margin scam?

What shenanigans, it's not a signal. And why again? Have I ever cheated on a signal before? Anyway, I take it you're another troll, but I'll reply to my friends on the forum, reply to them.

This is not one of the accounts I eat from. It's a bonus account, I get money once a week on Wednesdays at unpredictable times, on Wednesday they came unexpectedly at the end of the trading day. I had to take it out and recalculate it.

I would not mark another one ))) Profits to all, friends, and remember, on Monday the restless May presents plan B on Brexit. I'm no weather forecaster for the week ahead, but it might be fun.

Renat Akhtyamov:
The author of the branch has written only two posts, one of which is the first....

Renat, put it in my catchphrase book ))))))))))))) I'll share some pearls with my friends:


Instead of wiping tears from your face, wipe the people who made you cry from your life. And wash the knife afterwards too.
Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do and I will understand.
Fools don't sow - they grow.
Should you fry mushrooms if they say not to?

The rats have warned the ship's captain that they're having a drill/

A woodpecker has turned a tree into something that even a beaver would be ashamed to show.

Don't raise the font on me!

If you don't know what to write, sit back and tweet...

It's silly to hope for something global, like world peace, happiness for all, but everyone can do one small thing that would make the world just a little bit better ...

For example, shoot someone.

------- and about vodka --------

About vodka, it's either good or don't drink it.
Vodka is an amazing drink: the taste is always the same, but the adventure is always different!

- I wonder what happens if you drink too much vodka?
- The day after tomorrow...

- Do you know who the best singing teacher is?
- A litre of vodka!
A lot of people think vodka is the way out. Guys, it's the entrance.

- How does a cellar have to be for wine to ripen well?
- The main thing is to keep it tightly locked...

- Are you friends with alcohol?
- No, I'm at war with it!
- You can tell right away that you're failing...

- Young lady, will you have a vodka?
- Oh, really? I don't even take it in my mouth!
- That's a shame, but you haven't answered the vodka question...
Vodka is a therapist who has office hours at your convenience.

- Vodka's good to drink on the one hand, but it's uncomfortable on the other.
- Why?
- On the other hand there is no throat.
A good conversationalist not only listens, but also pours...
Statistically, 75% of calls on a Saturday are made to clarify the location of a drinking session.
When Dahl needed new words, he would come to the village, smash 2-3 bottles of vodka in front of the men, and then stand there and write it down.

-Would you like to suddenly wake up in the future?
- Yes.
- Then I've got three half-litres here...

100 grams of Russian vodka replaces an hour of meditation, and after half a litre open all the chakras and the third eye begins to see in every woman a beauty.

Alexey Volchanskiy: