How do I programmatically define a martingale in my account? - page 6

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I consider you to be a lying amateur and there is no point in wasting any more time on you.

Similarly, strange as it may seem, this conversation could not have been started and it is not at all clear why you decided to do so. Because my post, to which you initially began to respond, was not addressed to you, but to the author of the thread.

Acceleration of deposit in pammam is a deceptive (relative) tactic, which lies in the fact that the initial period of the pamm's work is an attempt to "accelerate" the profitability with high risks, if successful, the risks are reduced and the investors' money is already being traded more "moderate", but with a "bid" for a higher than the real rate of return than is worth the investor expects because of this acceleration in the beginning. For example monitoring service "pammin" automatically finds and cuts out such periods of history in pamm "by default". This "cheating" tactic is particularly successful in a situation where a percentage profit chart is plotted on an absolute (rather than logarithmic) scale, in which "by eye" an initial period of growth with high risks may look the same as a subsequent period of growth with lower risks.
You can download the file with the trading history of the signal and write a script to work with it.

How can you determine programmatically that a martingale is used in the account?
So that I do not have to look through the trading history with my eyes.

Who has any ideas?

In order to try to define a martingale programmatically, you need to clearly articulate what a martingale is. What are its criteria, attributes and properties. When this is defined, then the question of implementation can be solved. Now it is like in a fairy tale: "You bring something you don't know what". :)

Ilya Malev:

I'm not making excuses for the failure of my last pamm

It's not yours. It's in Anton's name.

Evgeny Belyaev:

It's not yours. It is in Anton's name.

What if a person admits that Anton's PAMM is his PAMM, thus admitting that he is in fact Anton himself?

Evgeny Belyaev:

It's not yours. It is in Anton's name.

Alexandr Saprykin:

What if a person admits that Anton's PAMM is his PAMM, thus admitting that he is in fact Anton himself?

Keep trolling.

By the way, does the forum have an "ignore" option?

Apparently not - too bad.

Nevertheless, anybody who feels righteous anger that I have the gall to call "other people's names" (like Lewis Carroll, Maxim Gorky, Ilf and Petrov etc) can consider in good time that they are put on my list and not bother to read and respond to their posts

Ilya Malev:

By the way, does the forum have an "ignore" option?

Of course there is. I've decided to fake it again.

Ilya Malev:
I ask the forum administration to remove the discussion of my personality from this forum, or I will leave the forum if its policies allow it.

Politics allows it. No one is holding you back, go away. Who will Anton or Ilya leave?

Alexandr Saprykin:

What if a person admits that Anton's PAMM is his PAMM, thus admitting that he is in fact Anton?

Seems to me he does.

Ilya Malev:

Keep trolling.

By the way, does the forum have an 'ignore' option?

Apparently not - too bad.

That said, anyone who feels righteous anger that I have the gall to call names other people's names (like Lewis Carroll, Maxim Gorky, Ilf and Petrov etc.) can well in advance assume that they are put on my list and not bother waiting to read and respond to their posts

Not by me, but by me. I don't know about Lewis Carroll, but Ilf and Petrov and Maxim Gorky would not tolerate it.

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