How do I programmatically define a martingale in my account? - page 4

We can download the file with the trading history of the signal and write a script to work with it.

How can we determine programmatically that a martingale is used on an account?
Not to view the trading history with my eyes.

Who has any ideas?

The most important question is, why?

It is enough to look at the trading history and determine everything on your own.

If you want to create an algorithm, you can run through the history and see if and how the lot has changed. If it has changed, you should try to calculate how it is increasing, because it will not always change twice. If we trade on different symbols, it will be harder.

But the main question remains, what is the point of programmatic determination?

Evgeny Belyaev:

@Ilya Malev

You'd better tell us whoAnton Trefolev is.

Here is your profile in 2015 and a link to the winner of the competition.

Now let's follow the link in your profile.

Do you decide who isTrefolev or Malev?

Or did you change your name? You didn't change your sex, did you?

That link is no longer in the profile. It's been cleaned up.
But there's a Trefolev e-mail on Malev's profile. Mystery of the century, though.

Alexandr Saprykin:
That link is no longer in the profile. Cleaned up.
But there is an email from Trefolev on Malev's profile. The conundrum of the century, however.

There's a web archive.

Evgeny Belyaev:

Or have you changed your name and surname?

Or he changed his name because he's hiding from pamm investors).
Or registered here with fake IDs.

I ask the forum administration to remove the discussion of my personality from here, or I will leave the forum if its policies allow for it.
Alexandr Saprykin:
That link is no longer on your profile. Cleaned up.
But there is an email from Trefolev on Malev's profile. The riddle of the century, though.

What's the mystery? Pseudonyms have not been abolished by law yet. Only confirmed marketers have a real first and last name, others can write whatever they want. Using a pseudonym is neither a breach of the law nor morality, except for some with a wreck in the head.

You can download a file with the trading history from the signal and write a script to work with it.

How can I programmatically detect if a martingale is being used in my account?
So you don't have to look at the trading history with your eyes.

What are the ideas?
There is a software for analyzing trading history. You can download and view the statistics and then easily determine...
Ilya Malev:

It is very difficult to determine programmatically so that the result of positive and negative errors is tolerably small. Because there are so many variations of normal trading and so many variations of the martingale itself.

If there are trades themselves, then first of all we must look at stops - if there are no stops, then the task is much easier :)

Particular difficulties may arise if a Martin is executed in "two ties" or more (not only in buy and sell, but several sequences in buy or sell) - then it is impossible to detect a continuous sequence of trades. In fact, I haven't seen it, but I haven't watched much, but I've written EAs like that, so it's possible.

Ramiz Mavludov:
There is a software for analyzing trading history. You download and look at the statistics, and it's easy to determine...

So the point is to have a specific point in the statistics - Martijn: yes/no.

Ramiz Mavludov:
There is a software for analyzing trading history. You download and look at the statistics, and you can freely determine...
What kind of software?