How do I programmatically define a martingale in my account? - page 5

Dmitry Fedoseev:

What is the mystery? Pseudonyms have not been abolished by law yet. Only confirmed market sellers have a real first and last name, the rest can write whatever they want. The use of a pseudonym is not a breach of the law or morality, except for some people who have a collapsed mind.

You can give your real name to your third cousin's grandmother at least. If only they had a passport photo. I am not interested in why he has one surname and then another. But the man got nervous, cleaned up his profile, and began to threaten to complain. (Not to me).
I'll step aside and watch from the sidelines.
Alexandr Saprykin:
the man got nervous, cleaned up his profile, started threatening to complain. (Not to me).

Evgeny Belyaev:

OK. Why did he pretend to be someone else? It smells like fraud.

Evgeny Belyaev:

Start talking. Stop playing dumb. Why are you misleading people?

I haven't cleaned my profile, I'm not misleading people, I'm not impersonating another person, and I'm certainly not involved in fraud, all of it is slander. For slander, I hope you will both answer to the admins. Since the "infringement" button doesn't help, I'll have to write them a PM.
Ilya Malev:

I have not cleaned my profile, I do not mislead people, I do not pretend to be someone else, much less have anything to do with fraud, it's all slander. For slander, I hope you both answer to the admins. Since the "infringement" button doesn't help, I'll have to PM them.
Is libel slander punishable?
Five years ago people were writing:

I don't give a shit who you really are, Ilya or Anton. But to throw a tantrum because someone has noticed that your verification is in one name but your profile contacts are in another and to threaten you with celestial punishment - you're behaving like a child.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Is libel slander punishable?
Five years ago people were writing:

I don't give a shit who you really are, Ilya or Anton. But to throw a tantrum because someone has noticed that your verification is in one name, but your profile contacts are in another name, and to threaten you with celestial punishment - you are behaving like a child.

I do not have to explain to anyone except the administration the relationship between my contacts and the surname in the profile - it's my personal data and I would ask detractors like you ("took down the profile" - I haven't taken down anything) andEvgeny Belyaev("smells like cheating", "you play dumb", "you mislead people", "you pretend to be someone else") keep their filthy fingers out of this information and mind their own business. I'll explain all seeming discrepancies to administration with ease and readiness, like any decent person who doesn't mind talking to anyone else and shows minimum courtesy.

You can download a file with trading history from the signal and write a script to work with it.

How to determine programmatically that the account is using the martingale?
Not to look through the trading history with my eyes.

Who has any ideas?

Well, first you need to understand what martingale means to you? For some reason, I usually encounter opinions when any "share" in a losing trade is automatically classified as a martin. Which, in my opinion, is wrong, because the volume play is a normal element of MM...

Another thing is when this increase in volume is systematic.

In my opinion it is impossible to calculate the martingale program, especially in manual mode, if only the most simple illanes, with the same step of fills for example...

In general, I think it is more logical to write a script for finding decent signals and then manually filter them by looking at the history, removing sethinking martins (if you do not like it), etc.

Ilya Malev:

You are an apologist for the martingale scam.

Well, I am not a "cheat" - you are a "cheat" for a martingale, because you are one toxic fish, whether you are a deposit extender or a martingale.

I´ve looked through your PAMM accounts history, read discussion threads - your "pushing luck", as you put it - is your trading style (trivial deposit acceleration), seasoned with smart words about Vince and surely accompanied by "persecution" against martingaleurs (you have a very sharp point).

Here is your December trading result:

-- anyone who wants it will find the discussion thread itself -- it's funny there.

As a bonus -- Antoshka cartoon:

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Well, you should not say so, but you should not "gobble up" the martingaleers, because a deposit overclocker, as well as a martingaleer, are all toxic fish of the same field.

I am not making excuses for failures of my last PAMM, there was indeed a "lucky hit", but it was after the normal trading deadlock, accompanied by deep drawdowns due to high initial risks. And everyone had been warned in advance that this sting was going to happen. And I didn't say a word about the last trade being anything noteworthy. All I am saying is that martingale is 100% casino, and that is absolutely true.

And you, as usual, shine with erudition - I have not had any run-up of my deposit, you apparently have little idea what you are talking about again. Programmers are often those who are traders, maybe you are a good programmer, but you are a lousy trader, and it is better to keep out of someone else's "field" in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

Ilya Malev:

I am not making excuses for the failures of my last pamm, and there was indeed a "lucky jinx", but it was after normal trading had come to a standstill, accompanied by deep drawdowns due to initially high risks. And everyone had been warned in advance that this sting was going to happen. And I didn't say a word about the last trade being anything noteworthy. All I am saying is that martingale is 100% casino, and that is absolutely true.

And you, as usual, shine with erudition - I had no deposit overrun, you apparently have little idea what you're talking about again. Programmers are often those who are traders, maybe you are a good programmer, but you are a lousy trader, and it is better to leave them alone to avoid confusion.

"Rude" (s, Ellochka the ogress).

It's your rudeness that prevents you from looking like an intelligent person.

I looked it up for you, it might help:

"Rude is the salvation of the weak-willed or indecisive. A boorish person tries to preserve his or her dignity by rudeness if he or she cannot assert it in any other way. A humiliated and slighted man, losing hope of winning the respect of others for his virtues, resorts to rudeness as a last resort.

p.s. And yes, if you look at the statistics of all of your PAMMs -- then in each of your PAMMs, without exception -- using the strategy of overclocking the deposit -- the key feature: the rapid increase in the balance.

The statistics of your last PAMM that was drained by you:

-- 12.02.2018 -- 14.02.2018 -- 99.84% yield increase

-- 09.03.2018 -- 13.03.2018 -- 46.47% yield increase

-- 23.03.2018 -- 26.03.2018 -- 89.08 per cent yield increase

-- ... [and so on].

If this isn't a deposit run-up, then gleam your erudition and enlighten me as to what "deposit run-up" is.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

p.s. And yes, if you look at the statistics of all your PAMMs -- then in each of your PAMMs without exception -- using the strategy of overclocking the deposit -- the key sign: the rapid increase in the balance.

Rapid increase (or decrease) of the balance - is a sign of any aggressive trading. What is overclocking (in PAMMs in particular) - I'm not going to enlighten you, sorry. If you are not an expert in a field you are not, then maybe you will be.

Ilya Malev:

Quickly increasing (or decreasing) the balance is a sign of any aggressive trading. I will not enlighten you with the meaning of deposit acceleration (on pams in particular). If you are not an expert in certain areas, you should respect your interlocutors and not try to be one.

Overclocking is any strategy, the purpose of which is a rapid increase in the deposit.

Aggressive trading is any strategy aimed at increasing a deposit as fast as possible.

Overclocking and aggressive trading are one and the same.

If it is not so, then give us a constructive argumentative explanation.

But as you substitute the constructive dialogue with cheap useless rudeness -- then you are 1) either a liar, that knowingly says white for black -- 2) or an amateur, that has little understanding of what he talks about.

p.s. If there is no more constructive dialogue from you -- then I consider you a lying dilettante and there is no point in wasting any more time on you.