My approach. The core is the engine. - page 34

Реter Konow:

I think it will too. You have to overcome strong resistance, but the desire for profit will take over. When they realise that the tool will provide an opportunity to make money and conquer the manual trading field.


Exactly !

But as far as I understood, nothing about earning was mentioned anywhere - it was about the convenience of manual trading. That's exactly the problem, your developments don't give any earnings. They give some opportunity (only a possibility) to increase the convenience of earnings for those who already have this earnings. But, at the same time they want (and can) create this convenience. Do you think there are many people like that?

I think this is why the product will not be popular - because it is too narrow a niche application.
Igor Makanu:

made 3 windows based on your code

2 minutes exactly, the result is correct readable code, which can be read and modified by any programmer

imho, this is exactly how modern software solutions look like, you write it so that not only you can read your code ;)

And you will make such a window in how many minutes? :)

Yury Kulikov:

A similar example of "Hello World" using the standard library. 30 minutes of work, considering it's the second time I've used this library. First time was also an example of using standard library when creating a file manager :)

The result is a fully controlled application.

The level of graphics of the standard library, to put it mildly, is not very good. The laboriousness of creating, for example, these windows:


I doubt that with the standard library it is possible to create such graphics in principle.
Олег avtomat:

If you don't release the product, there will be no mass interest. The masses simply won't know that your product exists, and due to their ignorance won't be able to show interest.
Mass interest can only arise if you release the product to the masses.

Yes, and on what basis would you be confident that it would capture mass interest, given that mass interest is very volatile.

There's a logic to it. I'll probably release it to the public. I'll just post it here or on my profile.

Igor Makanu:

Can a standard library do that? )

Georgiy Merts:


Exactly !

But as far as I understood, nothing about earning was mentioned anywhere - it was about the convenience of manual trading. That's exactly the problem, your developments don't provide any earnings. They give some opportunity (only a possibility) to increase the convenience of earnings for those who already have this earnings. But, at the same time they want (and can) create this convenience. Do you think there are a lot of such people?

It seems to me that this is why the product will not gain popularity - because its application niche is too narrow.

The product is designed to displace manual trading. The question is to what extent manual trading is still widespread and what can be offered to those who trade manually.

What they will offer is programmers who will write semi-automatic systems to automate and empower those who trade manually. This is what they will make money on.

Реter Konow:

How long would it take you to make a window like this? :)

Peter, you're an artist, please explain to me the meaning of this design solution, which would be the figures in the squares on the sides of the edges, and above and below was an empty space? Surely, the square is square and the digit is rectangular, but what's the point of having figures right up to the edge without any blank space on one side and a small stripe on the other?

Just contemplating our world, and I've been wanting to ask this for a long time... and this is an opportunity to ask this question directly to the creator. Where is the aesthetics, where is the harmony? Is my way of perceiving beauty obsolete? What is that white stuff around the watch?

As for functionality, it is achievable with the standard library, and in the same amount of time as indicated by the comrades above, who have experience using that library. Its creator just didn't focus on beauty... Although the question of beauty is questionable.

Реter Konow:

Can a standard library do that? )

What do you think? What is there that the standard library can't handle?

There are no tabs. But you can make buttons and labels and it will have the same effect.

Реter Konow:

The product is intended to displace manual trading. The question is to what extent manual trading is still prevalent, and what can be offered to those who trade manually.

It is up to programmers to write semi-automated systems that automate and empower those who trade manually. This is what they will make money on.

How will a can of paint displace the plasterer-painter?

Реter Konow:

The level of graphics in the standard library is not good, to say the least. The labour involved in creating these windows, for example:


I doubt it's possible to create such graphics with the standard library in principle.

If you're so focused on the visual capabilities of your library. Make the window arbitrarily shaped and semi-transparent. Emculus allows you to achieve this effect.

2. The average user does not need these coloring features, he will not be able to color beautifully. He will poke around and poke around, screw it all up and make everything gray.

But you Peter, as an artist, explain what the point of this colour combination: some khaki then like cocoa (or desert), a white lettering on a light background, and some greenish colour to highlight the line, and still somewhere makes gray:

Where's the beauty here? This is where the horror of disharmony makes your eyes roll back on your forehead.