Criteria for getting signals to the top - page 13

Rashid Umarov:

Before inventing the perfect rating algorithm, look at how subscribers choose signals -

Rashid, that's kind of what it's all about, to come up with something more appropriate and, most importantly, clearly formalised.

Georgiy Merts:

Rashid, this is kind of the point, to propose something more appropriate and, most importantly, clearly formalised.

The main claim in this thread is that we want to know the rating formula and understand how to cheat. There are so many parameters used to calculate the rating and we are not going to disclose them.

And for those who consider themselves competent in matters of calculating the rating of any set of objects, I propose to create a perfect formula for user optimization criterion. This will be much more useful, and there is no need to share this formula - you can create profitable Expert Advisors and lose interest in how the rating of Signals is calculated.

Rashid Umarov:

Before you invent a perfect ranking algorithm, take a look at how subscribers choose signals -

I would be very grateful if there is an option to sort by criterion:

Average Monthly Profit divided by Maximum Drawdown.

And also, if there is, (maybe there is and I can't find it):

Add to favourites, signal. That would not add to bookmarks, or search for them in the browser history.

Rashid Umarov:

Before inventing a perfect ranking algorithm, look at how subscribers choose signals -

Looked through the top 10 by the number of subscribers, convinced of the correctness of the proposed evaluation criteria. The first place is a stable profit for several months, or better years (even if it is a statistical fake, as the number one in the ranking and the second by the number of subscribers). There may be a negative result in some months, but this is ignored if the duration of the signal is long. This parameter is second in importance. And the third parameter - a moderate maximum drawdown of the account: mostly within the range of 20-30%, only two accounts have drawdowns higher than 40%.

I could not find any account showing no profit or working less than 3 months or more than 50% drawdown.)

Georgiy Merts:

Here we go again - all criticism. And vague arguments about how to make it better.

And concrete suggestions?

I'll leave that to you professionals D)

My role in this story is to be a nerdy critic
Rashid Umarov:

Before you invent the perfect rating algorithm, look at how subscribers choose signals -

Because free))))))))))

To avoid being fooled, you need to not just reveal the formula, but make it so that intentional tinkering with it generates a good signal

It would be very much appreciated if there was an option to sort by criterion in the sorting:

Average Monthly Profit divided by Maximum Drawdown.

Seconded. At the moment there is no sorting parameter by average monthly profit, there is only by total gain. And 50% growth for 2 months and 2 years are very different order of magnitude. There is no sorting at all for maximum drawdown (the main risk criterion).

Good afternoon, advise, I traded September, it was +1930%, now October, and I got a month is not active (gray) and it does not count in the overall percentage, my question is, what do I do to make it (September) became active (blue) ?
mql.png  29 kb
It doesn't matter in principle even if the monthly average is divided by the maximum drawdown, or the daily average, by the average daily drawdown, or otherwise. But a sorting criterion, the ratio of profit to drawdown, is very much needed.
Therefore, dear administration, we ask you to allow us to implement this ourselves, union:

1. Andrei and Georgy create a branch with their own ranking and put up signals according to their top.
2. To give the exclusive right to the branch created by Andrei and Georgy to provide links to the signals.