The "Service Desk" section has disappeared - page 10

Vladimir Pastushak:

The point of the whole situation is that we do not need the dashboard service, the developers need it to track and correct bugs, their errors and omissions in the terminals.

And now we are beating and complaining about what we do not need, we are the end consumer, we choose what is best.

The total exclusion of service desk is a kind of Fuss yourself as you want, here's a forum sort it out yourself.


Vladimir Pastushak:

The point of the whole situation is that we do not need the dashboard service, the developers need it to track and correct bugs, their errors and omissions in the terminals.

And now we are beating and complaining about what we do not need, we are the end consumer, we choose what is best.

The total exclusion of the service desk is the kind of fiddling around on your own, here's a forum for you to sort out on your own.

It's quite sad, I hope it is the right and sensible move and won't cause serious problems in the development of the service as a whole ...

It's a good idea that the service desks are needed by developers. But I would look at this situation from a different perspective. The direction of MQ's policy change is obvious - a move away from custom work to delivering the product 'as is' with monitoring and fixing major bugs. And this is more of a plus for the company and will free up resources for further product development. Think about it, the company used to try (not always successfully, though) to respond to every sneeze of users. As mentioned above, the desk service was inundated with a lot of inane requests from newcomers and suggestions from experienced users. Company representatives were actively involved in forum discussions. For example, not so long ago one of our colleagues blew the whole brains out of Slava and Rinat with a proposal to change the genetic algorithm (with all due respect to the colleague and understanding the importance of the problem). It was a lot of effort. What will happen now? Now, the company representatives may just monitor the forum, reacting only to major bugs, and leave small cracks and wishes unattended. Unqualified users will receive answers to their questions from the community, controversial issues will be muddled with arguments and forgotten. Major bugs will pop up in repeated threads and, if the developers wish, will be fixed or left "as is". Will MQ lose users? Not likely. After all, there will be no big bugs, and we'll either forget about the small ones and take them for granted, or introduce more crutches and move on.

Sergey Golubev:

Alexey, sorry to interfere, but you haven't noticed an obvious trend.

  • A few years ago the Russian part of the forum was the most aggressive, and by the efforts of all users (including moderators) - this part of the forum became the kindest part.
  • The aggression has now moved to the English part, but in a strange way, and in what we call "fake news" (when you don't have to prove anything - just say it).

I don't want to look for links to branches right now, but, for example, branches like this (from memory):
- "How do you protect yourself from admins stealing your codes in Freelance?"
- and others ...

Three such threads in a week ...


It would be nice if more coders from here would participate in the discussions in the English part ...

By the way, the Kit part of the forum is waking up, and things will be much tougher there (that thread is also from Kit ...).

So, if you or someone feels like a professional in something specific for example, then you have to go there - first to the English, and then to the Kit (with built-in online translator).
And by the way (I don't know the statistics, but from what I see, where users come from) - most users of the English part of the forum English is not the primary language (not the first).

Sergey, not so long ago you wrote that it's in the Russian part that's the beef, while in the English part people are softer. I can't judge the English, not much experience. So far, I can only judge that after the opening of the branch in the English part of the branch with source code, I've received a lot of e-mails in my personal contacts with requests to do something, fix, break, and all for free. And many of them were indignant when I said that their task will take at least 1-2 days of work, and I'm ready to help them via freelancing, let them apply. Strange people, to be honest. I used to think that in the Russian-speaking part of the world there are more lovers of freebies, but now I realize that I was wrong. I will not name the countries, I will only say that they are strictly Muslim. There have been zero enquiries from the Old or New World. Why there are no Europeans or citizens of the USA, I do not know.

I have not abandoned the branch with the adviser, but I put it off temporarily. The reason is purely pecuniary; I haven't been working for hire for 8 years now and I have to maneuver and choose the most profitable projects to have something to live on. I will continue with the branch when circumstances permit. As far as participation goes, I will go as time and finances allow.

There is a CD bug hanging in the top-right corner. How do I remove it?
There is a CD bug hanging in the top-right corner. How do I remove it?
Click on it n times, where n is the number of applications
Click on it n times, where n is the number of applications

404. This page does not exist

We're sorry you found yourself here. Please check the correct path or usethe site search.

My number of applications decreases by one after each click - haven't reached the end yet
My number of applications decreases by one after each click - haven't reached the end yet

There is no access to the SR.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Sergei, not so long ago you wrote that it was in the Russian part that there was bitterness, and in the English people were softer. I can't judge the English part, I have little experience of communicating with them. So far, I can only judge that after the opening of the branch in the English part of the branch with source code, I've received a lot of e-mails in my personal contacts with requests to do something, fix, break, and all for free. And many of them were indignant when I said that their task will take at least 1-2 days of work, and I'm ready to help through freelancing, let them apply. Strange people, to be honest. I used to think that in the Russian-speaking part of the world there are more lovers of freebies, but now I realize that I was wrong. I will not name the countries, I will only say that they are strictly Muslim. There have been zero enquiries from the Old or New World. Why there are no Europeans or citizens of the USA, I do not know.

I have not abandoned the branch with the adviser, but I put it off temporarily. The reason is purely pecuniary; I haven't been working for hire for 8 years now and I have to maneuver and choose the most profitable projects to have something to live on. I will continue with the branch when circumstances permit. As far as participation goes, I'll go in as time and finances allow.

Yeah, that's right.


But recently (I don't remember ... but gradually since early summer for example, or since July) aggressive threads have started in the English part.
And they are not from "I will not name it, I will only say that they are strictly Muslim" as you say: there is a division of users not by religion, but by the following - developing countries and developed countries.

Yes, that's me correcting you - there's no distinction in "strictly Muslim" and "non-Muslim", but a distinction in "poor countries" or "rich countries".
"Freeloading" as you say in you English is from "poor countries" and "public aggression" as I say is from "rich countries", which is what I wrote about here in the post.

That is, people are outraged not because they and their children have nothing to eat, but on contrived and invented topics just for fun ... (Today, for example, at 5:30 am I deleted another such topic ... ... from a developed country ...) I am talking specifically about aggression on contrived and invented topics not related to finances etc...

... and those others ... (Many users from Afghanistan, were but now do not see - from Syria, there are from Cambodia, etc.) - those are very, very peaceful, learn programming, ask correct questions on the forum, very polite, and there are good programmers among them (for example - a lot of good coders from Iran), and communication with them is just exceptional (the same applies to the Emirates, for example).

From the U.S. there is a very decent contingent (by the way ...) - no aggression ...


Do you represent the English part of the forum?
The very peaceful part of the forum where everything goes smoothly, all is well, everyone helps each other ... Now read this post... I haven't seen such threads in Russian part of forum which periodically appear in English forum (and I haven't seen such threads lately) ... and they appear in English forum ... And in English - they appear, and more and more often.

That's why it's necessary to appear in the English part, as we are one forum (only the linguistic parts are different, but the forum is one) and one community.
And we have to help each other.

Sergey Golubev:

Yes, that's right.


But recently (can not remember ... but gradually since early summer for example, or since July) began aggressive threads in the English part.
And they are not from "I will not name, I will only say that they are strictly Muslim" as you say: there is a division of users not by religion, but by the following - developing countries and developed countries.

Yes, that's me correcting you - there's no distinction in "strictly Muslim" and "non-Muslim", but a distinction in "poor countries" or "rich countries".
"Freeloading" as you say in you English is from "poor countries" and "public aggression" as I say is from "rich countries", which is what I wrote about here in the post.

That is, people are outraged not because they and their children have nothing to eat, but on contrived and invented topics just for fun ... (Today, for example, at 5:30 am I deleted another such topic ... ... from a developed country ...) I am talking specifically about aggression on contrived and invented topics not related to finances etc...

... and those others ... (Many users from Afghanistan, were but now do not see - from Syria, appear from Cambodia, etc.) - those are very, very peaceful, learn programming, ask valid questions on the forum, very polite, and there are good programmers among them (for example - many good coders from Iran), and communication with them directly exceptional (the same applies to the Emirates for example).

From the U.S. there is a very decent contingent (by the way ...) - no aggression ...


Do you represent the English part of the forum?
The very peaceful part of the forum where everything goes smoothly, all is well, everyone helps each other ... Now read this post... I haven't seen such threads in Russian part of forum which periodically appear in English forum (and I haven't seen such threads lately) ... and they appear in English forum ... And in English - they appear, and more and more often.

That's why it's necessary to appear in the English part, as we are one forum (only the linguistic parts are different, but the forum is one) and one community.
And we have to help each other.

I said about religion only because I was once asked not to mention the name of countries for the sake of political correctness. I have been written to from the USA (probably) only once, and even then the country was not specified in my profile, there was no photo, only my first and last name were similar to American ones. The letters were empty, how I live and what I do.