there are people here who actually make money - page 15


Mickey Moose:

Not everything in this world is measured in money

It's true.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I said it's shrunk. Don't you understand? No more.

and will continue to decrease until it becomes zero.

And this isn't forex?

//I told you it's the same thing...

Dina Paches:

There's a slight typo in the last name in the post above. Instead ofElder, it saysEdler. /*Were it not for your post, I probably wouldn't have noticed it.

But you seem to be right about something - AlexanderEdler probably didn't work out as a doctor of some specialty.

However, it is understandable. It is difficult, I suppose, to be a practising doctor and a professional Swedish hockey player at the same time:Эдлер,_Александр

That said, whether he has a medical degree is unknown to me.

At the same time, AlexanderElder seems to be a practising doctor.Элдер,_Александр

He describes psychological problems when trading well, imho. He does not have any particular psychological information without any rabid sexism (which I have never seen in his books). Unlike some local "psychologists" /*I won't "point the finger "*/.

Youtube was in Russia in 9 or 10 and he lectured there. oil from microorganisms the size of dinosaurs. not according to Mendeleev from silicate carbides, etc.


Youtube was there in 9 or 10 and he lectured there. oil from microorganisms the size of dinosaurs. not Mendeleev from silicate carbides, etc.

There are plenty of his videos on youtube. It's easier for you to find and cite the one you're talking about. Added: However, does it need to be found and cited in this thread? He probably voiced something on the organic theory of oil's origin in the course of something. Oil is a trading instrument.

For my part, I can say one thing: I remember from my first university days that there were two theories about the origin of oil.

Proponents of one believed that the existing oil reserves were of ancient organic origin.

The proponents of the other one believed that it was not organic.

There were some pretty heated arguments between them, too. And these were not amateurs like you,Laureate, and me). Among them, in terms of geology, were world renowned scientists


Youtube was there in 9 or 10 when he came to Russia and lectured. oil from microorganisms the size of dinosaurs. not Mendeleev from silicate carbides, etc.

But I don't understand why you wrote this post about his lectures in 9 or 10.

What you said in this post is in your own words what he has in one of his books, as far as I remember. And I, for one, don't argue with that:

P./S.: Did you accidentally mistake what I mentioned about rabid sexists?

If so, you should have. I was not referring to you. And notYuriy Asaulenko, my post to which you quoted above.

Maybe I missed something, but I don't remember any of your previous posts on the forum with him in that regard. And I didn't search for you either.

What have you, scholar, left smoked buns here ©