Trend-tracking trading systems - page 10

Олег avtomat:

Yeah, well... 100-year-old chewing gum makes you feel better, and you're more comfortable without straining your brain.


at least tell me where the entry point is, the stop, when you take the take... it's not in the picture

Sergey Lazarenko:

At least tell me where the entry point is, where the stop is, when you take the take... because the picture doesn't show it

You can see everything on the picture, it's clear and understandable.

But you don't need it, because it is not in accordance with your rules. So don't mess with your head.

Be well.

Have another fight, you hot Finnish guys :)
Have a fight, you hot Finnish guys :)

That's for sure!

And anyway, we're getting away from our main topic - Trend-tracking trading systems,

which in my opinion are the ones that allow you to correctly identify and really get

ever-changing returns on forex collateral. So let us, without prejudice to

interests, let us together try to determine and solve, at least in general terms, this problem

This problem at least for ourselves and our friends.


And anyway, we are getting away from our main topic - Trend-tracking trading systems,

which in my opinion are the ones that allow you to correctly identify and actually get

ever-changing returns on forex collateral.

There are two powerful trends here: Indicator and Non-Indicator, Oleg presents the Indicator branch..., Non-Indicator defines the Trend using graphical method (like me), then there may be hybrids, the Trend is defined graphically and the Correction is completed using Indicators.

The graphical way is as follows:

Rising Trend(Trend): each successive Top and Trough is higher than the previous one;

Downtrend: each subsequent Decline and Top is lower than the previous one.

1.We define the Trend using graphical method (from tops and bottoms) and call this Trend the Global;

2.We wait for a corrective pullback, which also has the form of a Trend (only in the other direction);

3.We wait for this Correctional pullback to be "broken", which is an entry point in the direction of the Global trend.

Until the price breaks through the Trough (previous) / pivot point in the market, and the market is in an uptrend;

Until the price breaks through the Top(current) Reference point of a Corrective Pullback, the Downtrend is in force.

*Uptrend Reference Point: Decline after which the price updated the previous Top;

*Downtrend reference point: A top after which the price updated the previous Trough.


It's simple, if you are drawn to Indicators, Oleg has been doing it for 7 years, so he will answer the questions, if the chart, then come to me...

One more thing I wanted to add, there is a phenomenon: Bounce from Support/Resistance levels, and the indicator-based way of trend detection (averages and others) does not take this phenomenon into account, because it averages all values... Once they average, they do not show accuracy! And the graphical way takes levels into account, so the accuracy is higher....
Sergey Lazarenko:
What I want to add, there is a phenomenon: the rebound from support/resistance levels, so the indicator method for trend detection (averages, etc.) does not take this phenomenon into account, because it averages all values... Once they average, they do not show accuracy! And the graphical way takes levels into account, so the accuracy is higher....

And if we take our eyes off the charts a little bit and move on to the transactions, the buys and the sales,

profit and loss, balance and imbalance, intraday and weekly returns,

i.e. numerical expressions?


And if we take our eyes off the charts a little bit and move on to the transactions, the buys and the sales,

profit and loss, balance and imbalance, intraday and weekly returns,

i.e. numerical expressions?

I do not understand, please explain ... Are you interested in the Gain or Loss charts of the Trading System algorithm?

Sergey Lazarenko:

I don't understand you, please explain in a simpler way...

We are the "smallest" participants in the system, called "Forex", and in fact we cannot have any real impact on it.

We can only observe the results of this feast (price changes) and pick up scraps from the table (if possible).

But only if we are good at it, if we understand what to do and how to do it to get what we want.

So, apart from fascinating graphics (trends-brands, bars-shmars) one has to know and understand the real accounting of all this "kitchen".

What and how to do it - that is what I propose to define in detail and use in the future.


We are the "smallest" participants of the System called "Forex" and in fact we cannot exert any real influence on it.

We can only observe the results of this feast (price changes) and pick up scraps from the table (if we can).

But only if we are good at it, if we understand what to do and how to do it to get what we want.

So, apart from fascinating graphics (trends-brands, bars-shmars) one has to know and understand the real accounting of all this "kitchen".

I suggest to determine precisely what and how it is done and use it further on.

The accounting is simple, the law of supply and demand, in which Buffett and Soros are small potatoes... The whole world either wants dollars or it doesn't... And Soros is just like us... only we have 500 Euros and he has 5 billion...

All the tales of the puppeteers came from the stock market, whose turnover is petty compared to forex.

Is it or isn't it?