A branch of clever and elusive critics - page 5


Since the thread is starting to get a bit of myth and speculation, I will give my opinion and perspective on this situation with the composter (and others like it).


4 years ago Karputov became a moderator on the forum - https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/23631/page2. But even then there were already dissatisfied with him, here's one of posts of that thread

сейчас все темы форума будут сводиться к двум веткам:

-- Picture answers to every conceivable/unthinkable and necessary/unnecessary question

-- commentary on the picture answers.

there are two characters working on this -- both moderators -- one is a veteran moderator -- the other, with the strange nickname "bababashka", is a new moderator

the forum has become boring lately -- so they found the fun to do nothing -- instead of just answering a questioner, now they say: "wait for answer in pictures, one answer a day" -- the whole procedure is accompanied by constant re-posting from one thread to the next.

Maybe he overdid it at first somewhere with moderation, the haters have found, Karputov has made reliable "friends" who, for any reason, began to pick on him. Even then, Golubev wrote:

It might have turned out like me when I once made two threads on technical analysis here in Russia, and I'm coders "to the back and forth" ... in 9 pages... and ruined a good thing... They don't do it themselves and won't let others...

It's very easy to criticize someone else's (free) work ... much easier than doing something yourself for newbie lawyers.

Sorry - couldn't stand it - remembered my own case.


We just need to be kinder to each other ... colleagues ... :)

As a result, it became kind of fashionable to give him the right opinion in and out of place, to put it crudely - hit-and-runs off the point. It was necessary to somehow stop this trend and I started to stand up for him. According to the Broken Window Theory, if you do nothing and leave it as it is, a belief will form that this is normal and everyone is doing it.

Now for the composter.

A post criticizing the article, , may be correct in its essence, but it is quite categorical in form. Vladimir does not answer and we get no reaction from other users.

Less than twenty-four hours later, the same user writes a new post with a demand:

If there is a problem, the article should contain both an insight into the problem and a complete solution. So either delete the article to hell, or redo it and solve the basic problem ofPnLcalculation in the context of different trading strategies (MAGICs).

I decided it was too much - I deleted the post and sent the user to the ban for a week. It was on the 8th of April. The next day appears and compuster, seeing the banned User, there presenting Karputov claims (he is sure that it was Karputov demolished).

Okay, for the form of presentation is banned.

And the essence there is something to respond?

I wrote him that it was me who had removed and banned the user and asked him to specifically voice his grievance / question. I gave him an opportunity to mitigate the situation, but he continued in the same vein

The question was formulated by a bannered person:

Why is there a ban but no answer to the question? If the questioner's emotionality gets in the way, you could suggest that he reword it more constructively, but not silently ban it.

I see some requirements, he may not have even read the article, otherwise he could have asked the question himself earlier. That's why I gave him a harsher answer

If it's that simple - you can post a piece of code that solves the problem.PS In principle, I've already got used to the fact that there are always critics of Karputov who don't write anything themselves. Because he is a moderator and you can always fight his "arbitrariness". Even in articles. Still, it is unpleasant to see it from the old-timers.

And then you see in this thread. Instead of constructive accusations with the usual clichés continue

Andrei was one of the few people with whom I considered it right to be on a first-name basis.

Предложения и благодарности [Ответы новичкам в картинках]
Предложения и благодарности [Ответы новичкам в картинках]
  • 2014.05.07
  • www.mql5.com
Общее обсуждение: Предложения и благодарности [Ответы новичкам в картинках]

As a disinterested party I will voice the concerns of a category of forum members who are tied to Market, Freelance, Signals and finance through this resource. I will say up front that not everyone's opinion, of course.

I can't claim 100%, but there's no reason not to trust the information that there was a precedent of people being banned for long periods by moderators (plural doesn't mean anything) and appropriate customer support in Market+Freelance ceased. And disabling the messages also created a serious reputational cost for the banned person, as clients could not contact them via PM. In other words, the ban hit and hit the monetary interests of this category of forum users and has a lasting effect even after the ban is removed.

Why are you replicating someone else's speculation? A ban is a ban, and no one looks back to whether a person has products in the Market or Signals. It's not like there are little kids here who suddenly discover a ban and the consequences associated with it. Usually one ban is enough to make a person realize - you can't feed and shit in one place. But not always.
Vitalii Ananev:

Oh man, I thought the ban for violating forum rules only applied to the forum. Turns out it's completely blocking access to the service.

In my opinion this is not right. If you've broken forum rules, you should only be banned on the forum, without restricting access to other services.

There is no need to make things up. You don't have a single ban, but you're already telling horror stories.

It's just time to stop making up non-existent problems and try to communicate with each other in a respectful manner. There's no need to make up all sorts of theories that the administration is promoting someone and persecuting someone.

Politics and any issue that divides people (history, religion etc.) are strictly forbidden on this forum. If you want to vent your energy or discuss the current political situation, please do so in the dedicated forums.

This is also a good place to discuss strategies, programming, and financial ideas. If you have any complaints against the moderators, write to Service Desk, we always try to review the situation objectively. But it is desirable not to rally and inflame the communication on the forum.


Rashid Umarov:

But it is advisable not to rally and inflame communication on the forum.

I've written to you before, I'll write to you again. you are engaged in intercession. Karputov screwed up - you defend. it's not the first time. If you do not remember, there was a whole thread with a proposal to remove his moderator status and bring the obvious faults more than a year ago which was quietly shut down.

Regarding you personally , here's an example of unwarranted rudeness and personalities.The root cause again Karputov.

If interested, at the cost of 30 quid and a week of time (from posting the work to publishing it, an indication that SD, unlike the forum, works well) I resolved the issue with translation via servicedesk without interference from your Lordship.

Rashid Umarov:

There's no need to make things up. You don't have a single ban, but you're already talking about horror stories.

It's just time to stop making up problems that don't exist and try to communicate with each other in a respectful way. There's no need to make up all sorts of theories that the administration is promoting someone and persecuting someone.

Politics and any issue that divides people (history, religion etc.) are strictly forbidden on this forum. If you'd like to express your energy or discuss the current political situation, please do so in the specialised forums.

Discussion of strategies, programming and exchange of ideas on financial topics are encouraged here. If you have any complaints against moderators, write to Service Desk, we always try to examine the situation objectively. But it would be desirable not to rally and inflame communication on the forum.

I do not think that the administration is persecuting anyone. My post is not about that at all. I was responding to part of fxsaber's post in which he says that once a user is banned he loses the ability to support his clients in the marketplace and freelancing. And I think this approach is wrong. Suppose a user has violated forum rules, then prohibit access to the forum only, while leaving access to signals service, market and freelance. Violated the rules of freelance, prohibit access to freelance only.

I have no complaints against moderators. If I was a moderator :) I would have banned all those who publicly discuss the actions of moderators, as I think this undermines the authority of a moderator. If a moderator behaves inappropriately, this should be addressed in private correspondence.

Rashid Umarov:
Why are you replicating someone else's speculation?

It appears that I have failed to give an objective assessment, since that is the reaction to the post. It is very difficult to articulate oneself to be understood at the level at which one expresses one's thoughts. I tried, but I couldn't.


Regarding you personally , here's an example of unwarranted rudeness and personalities.The initial reason is again Karputov.

If interested, at the cost of 30 quid and a week of time (from posting the work to publishing it, an indication that SD, unlike the forum, works well) I resolved the translation issue via servicedesk without interference from Your Lordship.

Yes, I remember. I didn't get that one . I won't remind you now what prompted my harsh post. Experience shows that it doesn't change anything (reminder/justification) - one still sticks to one's reasoning.

Vitalii Ananev:

I don't think the administration is persecuting anyone. That's not what my post was about at all. I was responding to part of fxsaber's post in which he talks about how once a user is banned he loses the ability to support his clients in the marketplace and freelance. And I think this approach is wrong. Suppose a user has violated forum rules, then prohibit access to the forum only, while leaving access to signals service, market and freelance. Violated the rules of freelance, prohibit access to freelance only.

I have no complaints against moderators. If I was a moderator :) I would have banned all those who publicly discuss the actions of moderators, as I think this undermines the authority of a moderator. If a moderator behaves inappropriately, this must be resolved in private correspondence.

This division of the resource into some parts may lead to the fact that the same person may behave as he pleases on the forum, and where it suits him (freelancing or marketing) to be a model of etiquette and politeness. Therefore, Rashid's statement is quite true:

You can't feed and shit in the same place



I've noticed that some sellers have no forum posts at all. It's likely that they have left-handed accounts for the forum, good thing it's not hard to do. You could use the Frigate plugin in Chrome, for example. But such slippery methods of adapting to current realities are probably not the best solution.

They just have different goals and never had conflicts with admins/moderators. They post constantly in the feed to promote their sales, they don't have time for a forum. Everyone uses MQL5.community in their own way.

I don't know why he has two accounts, but the second one has not caused any trouble at all. He explained it once, but I don't remember.


This thread has been created as a result of questions about why a person who wrote many letters in a critical post to an article was banned. The question arose not even out of solidarity with the banned person or a sense of injustice, but because of the feeling that any member of this category of forum members could be treated in the same way. Such uncertainty makes these people very nervous, which is understandable. At the same time these people for the most part are pros and can share their experiences on the forum. However, some of them have simply stopped posting anything on the forum due to the pent up uncertainty and fear that not everything can be said as you think.

It must be very hard to depend on someone else's will like that, especially when it doesn't always lend itself to comprehensible logic. Problems of unfair bans are certainly being solved. But the time-consuming factor in such decisions incurs the costs that I wrote about above.

My friend, who lived in Germany since the 90s, used to go on holiday to Russia in the 2000s and 2007s. He asked his student friend to meet him at the train station and organize a transfer to a town in 50s. They stayed with his wife's parents, private house, yard and garden.

And so this friend comes to him one day, and he sits on a bench in the yard and drinks some cheap tasteless beer. The friend says, "Why are you drinking that kind of beer? There's normal beer!" And he answers offensively - "What they brought - and such I drink." He simply wouldn't leave the courtyard, because Russia seemed terrible and bandit-like to him from Germany.

And now you're telling fears about lawlessness, hearsay. In vain.