Calculate the distance between two parallel lines including ! - page 15


Yes done already...

The script I use and show in the video above.

It measures everything, manually adapts by X.

All calculations are based on high school math formulas.

Finds two trend lines by itself, and constantly monitors their coordinates, shows the distance.

Alexey Viktorov:

ObjectGetValueByShift can't be used to calculate anything. From a point that has time and price coordinates, the perpendicular to the line can get to the time between bars. This means that the perpendicular is inaccurate, which is an inadmissible error in calculations.

deleted the post

He just didn't convert the angle to radians.

Renat Akhtyamov:

deleted the post.

He just didn't convert the angle to radians.

Well, I'm sorry I had time to quote. I'm not being mean... :))))

Alexey Viktorov:

Well, I'm sorry I had time to quote you. I'm not being mean... :))))

I understand.

I posted the code in the prediction thread some time ago, but it was a long time ago.

for some reason I can't put it here.

+ 100 to karma ... all true !

And so that the result you get can somehow be verified.

Here's another way to check

"Pythagoras theorem - :the sum of the squares of the lengths ofthe cathetuses is equal to the square of the lengthof the hypotenuse"

SQRT(767 * 767 + 767 * 767) = 1084

The error is a graph, it's hard to put the lines accurately.

Several functions to calculate, distances between a point and a line or point, angle, point coordinates.

Математика. Прямые, точки, дистанция, угол, координаты.
Математика. Прямые, точки, дистанция, угол, координаты.
  • 2018.04.27
  • Dmytro Zelenskyy
Несколько функций чтобы вычислить, расстояния между точкой и прямой или точкой, угол, координаты точки. MathemPointsDistance  функция находит расстояние между двумя точкамиMathemLinesAngle функция находит угол между прямыми в градусахMathemLine_Y функция...

If the point is on the length of the line, for example "green point" - then the formula will work !

But if the point is displaced from the line, for example "red point" - will your formulae work?


If the point is along the length of the line - for example "green point" - then the formulae suggestion will work !

But if the point is shifted with respect to the line, for example "red point" - will your formulae work?

Why are you making fun of radio operators like this?


If the point is on the length of the line, for example "green point" - then the formula will work !

But if the point is displaced from the line, for example "red point" - will your formulae work?

For points, these formulas will not work. You need special "point" formulas.
There is a section in geometry called "Point Geometry".
Mathematicians will confirm it.