abandonment of mt4 - page 4

Yuriy Zaytsev:

There may be some kind of cheesy Quik, but it's long under the gravestone, but this corpse was danced on back in the noughties.




it's the one i sit on.

And then there are the foreign platforms manufactured by China and the US
Mickey Moose:




this is where I sit

Ninja is good too. Not without its faults of course, intuitively I found it less intuitive but overall not bad. I have found jforex to be the most interesting platform, comfortable, great funnctional, but when I used it in 2012 it crashed a lot, which is unacceptable. I have been working on this for a long time and I have no idea what to do with it. It almost racked my brain. It's a matter of getting used to it, but it takes a long time to get used to it.
Mickey Moose:




this is where I sit

and then there are the foreign platforms made in china and the u.s.p.

but these platforms are not on the same scale as the mt
Someone here from MQ wrote that MT3 completely left the last brokerage houses in 2010 or a bit later. I got into forex in 2007 and it was nowhere to be found, I started with 4 straight away.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Someone here from MQ wrote that MT3 completely left the last brokerage houses in 2010 or a bit later. I came to forex in 2007 and it was nowhere to be found, I started with 4.

Lech, what year do you think we will shed a tear at the funeral of MT4?


As the saying goes :

"New ideas succeed when the supporters of the old ones die"

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Lyosha, what year do you think we will shed a tear at the funeral of MT4?

Will clearly last longer than that MT3. If only because MQL4-MQL5 languages are almost identical. Personally, as soon as I find a brokerage company with conditions similar to mine, I'll jump from MT4. But so far I don't have any.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Will clearly last longer than that MT3. If only because MQL4-MQL5 languages are almost identical. Personally, as soon as I find a brokerage company with conditions similar to mine, I'll jump from MT4. But so far I don't have any.

Sorry, does the platform play a role, or only the brokerage company conditions?

Алексей Тарабанов:

Sorry, does the platform play a role, or just the DC conditions?

Alexey, I need to think about my daily bread, I've been on the dole for 8 years now. And I don't choose a platform that is better and more progressive, but one that I can make money on. If MQ hadn't gone into a hedge denial stance back in the day, MT4 would have quietly retired a long time ago.

Of course MT5 is much cooler, e.g. I make my BOO robot on it, as the difference in terms of MT4-MT5 is not important there.

Hi all!Is it realistic for brokers to abandon mt4 and accordingly move to mt5.And how long will support mt4

If you look closely, progress is being made towards increasing rather than decreasing the number of platforms used. Since the start of the competition between MT4 and MT5, 2009-2010, their number has been growing and growing. At https://ru.investing.com/directory/Торговые-Платформы/6 there are already 614 trading platforms listed (for now). What is the point of waiting for the most popular one to leave the market, I don't understand. As if MT4 bothers somebody. If you don't like it - don't use it. But leave the same freedom of choice to others, do not interfere with those who like it. Moreover, there are most of them.

For the record. By https://directory.financemagnates.com/forex-brokers/object_platforms/111/ 11.12.2017 I've calculated what the MT4 abandonment process has come to:

There are 396 FX brokers in total. With the MT5 platform there are 46, with the MT4 platform there are 285, for a total of 331.
There is no MT4 or MT5 for the remaining 65 units. Estimated MQ market share = 331/396 = 83.6%.
Only MT5 without MT4 in 9 pieces, 9 out of 331 = 2.72% of companies with platforms from MQ have abandoned MT4.

That's certainly the proportion of companies, but not their customers. It may well be that, on average, there are more clients for companies with MT5 as they have a smaller sample, 46 out of 331 companies. About the representativeness of the sample: 400 companies out of an estimated 2000 with the MQ platform only:

Screenshot from https://b2broker.net/ru/,"Partners", 04.03.2018

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