abandonment of mt4 - page 7


I like this forecast the best. It is well thought out and stable, with stability. In November, a month in advance, and in March, a month in advance. Asked in May, the forecast is the same.

I don't believe there is a tomorrow at all. I wake up every morning and it's today again!

Evgeny Belyaev:

Simpler, but it will take 5 times as much time to debug, and it's not rubbery.

Plus many functions with unclear sequence and number of variables.

In 4, there is one order of variables; in 5, the same variables but in a different order.

Take and compare ArraySort in 4 and 5.

In 4 we pass 4 values into the function in , 5 is one.

There is a difference. Every time we have to look at the help.

So it is faster to port MT5->MT4 than to write 20% of a cross-platform one? What a field of wonders ))

Evgeny Belyaev:

In a year, two at the most. Let me tell you a secret MQ has never been a customer oriented company.

There is no point in maintaining 2 terminals. Expensive and inefficient.

MT4 is not updated.

+ The bugs that are associated with sales are not fixed for half a year, and the service desk gives you a simple indemnity.

I have more arguments. I will not disclose them.

Which of these circumstances occurred a month ago? The willful decision not to sell any more MT4 server installation licences to new customers, publishedhttp://ru.forexmagnates.com/konets-epohi-metatrader-4/ 12 Jan 2018? Did it cause a month and a half's worth of DCs to flee the world's most popular MT4 platform en masse? It didn't.

It has been expensive and inefficient for all of 9 years. As far as I remember, the position on principle was changed at least two years ago. No other events of principle come to mind.

You make a good point about not being client-focused. The plans to post materials about setting up your DC at the terminal are, in my opinion, not at all client-focused.

Конец эпохи MetaTrader 4 | Forex Magnates
Конец эпохи MetaTrader 4 | Forex Magnates
  • Victor Golovtchenko
  • ru.forexmagnates.com
Крупнейший разработчик торгового софта для внебиржевой индустрии, компания MetaQuotes Software Corp., опубликовало драматическое, но, в то же время, ожидаемое сообщение о том, что прекращает продажу самой популярной среди внебиржевых трейдеров торговой платформы MetaTrader 4 и соответствующих лицензий. Предыдущая «четвертая» версия торгового...

Plans to post materials on setting up your DC in the terminal are, in my opinion, not for clients at all.

What kind of plans are these?


It seems to me that it is necessary to change the company's policy towards brokers in order to promote MT5.

For example, I know how to bring a forex company to the market from scratch, I have brought more than one, some have gone under, others live on.

My choice is either to buy a legal entity that bought MT4 license for 20-50k or to buy MT5 for 80-100k - I don't remember the exact price. For me it is obvious that if I take MT4 my clients will come to me, if I take MT5 my clients will come to me with 2 cripples. I am ready to work with just one MT5, without MT4, but according to my estimation they should give it to me for 4-5 months for free, and then I will get it in installments for 2 years, then there is at least some chance to not get bored in the market, even having funds for the company, bank, processing, staff, good brand, usability, trading conditions, bridge from some AMTS and liquidity from LMAX/CFH/EXANTE.

Aleksandr Volotko:

What kind of plans are these?

http://ru.forexmagnates.com/provayderyi-smogut-predlagat-svoi-produktyi-brokeram-pryamo-v-mt5/ 24 January 2018:

This time, the provider is launching a 'Marketplace' of brokerage solutions in the MT5 terminal. Following the launch of the Marketplace (marketplace) of third-party applications for MetaTrader 5, the trading platform will allow fintech providers to sell their products and services directly to brokers.


The new B2B service should significantly revitalise the market and accelerate the pace of migration to MT5. Tom Higgins, CEO of trading solutions provider Gold-i, commented, "We are extremely pleased that our company has been included in the Brokerage Solutions Marketplace. This will greatly increase the visibility of our product portfolio under MetaTrader 5. In addition, the new service will undoubtedly bring us additional opportunities to expand our sales, because it will allow us to tell MetaTrader 5 brokers about Gold-i products

Провайдеры смогут предлагать свои продукты брокерам прямо в МТ5 | Forex Magnates
Провайдеры смогут предлагать свои продукты брокерам прямо в МТ5 | Forex Magnates
  • Vadim Sviderski
  • ru.forexmagnates.com
Крупнейший разработчик торгового софта для внебиржевой индустрии, компания MetaQuotes Software Corp, продолжает развивать свой флагманский продукт, торговую платформу MetaTrader 5, тем более после того, как объявил о прекращении продаж предшествующей «четвертой» модели. На этот раз провайдер запускает «Маркетплейс» брокерских решений в...
There is nothing to do here.
When the developer and the trader need more features they will start moving to 5.
What is the point of keeping 4Q when everyone will move to 5Q? To their detriment?

Ramiz Mavludov:
There's nothing to do.
When the developer and the trader need more features they will start moving to 5.
What is the point of keeping 4k when everyone will move to 5k? To their detriment?

Absolutely right. No doubt about it. When I have to. Nine years of this...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I don't believe there is a tomorrow at all. Every morning I wake up and it's today again!

It doesn't even exist. Tomorrow is a day that will never come.

I'll have breakfast tomorrow morning, they say. Then I have to say, in eight hours I'll get up and eat.