Creating a GUI for MQLs in graphical mode. - page 6

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Is this picture an example?

Okay, I'll figure it out myself.

(chuckles) Probably the namesake got carried away... )))

Алексей Барбашин:

I wrote in the previous post: everything is done with VS in-house tools. I am using VS 2017 Community. Just at the beginning of the project, the DllExport library with Nuget is connected to it. Nothing after compiling the project needs to be finalized by hand, from the word EVERYTHING.

I don't want to assert anything, but there is a but... Or better yet, one question.

A project has "one Nuget library" attached to it. A lot of libs from the framework are connected to the C# project. However, C# program won't work without this very framework. Banality, in general.

I suppose that when porting to another computer, not only the program itself, but also "one lib from Nuget" will be needed. I don't know how to integrate it there without VS.

Here is an example. The latest versions of the framework (still for VS 2015) don't have sockets and have to be installed from the same Nuget additionally. Transferring a C# program to another computer where sockets are not part of the framework is impossible. At first you have to bother with reinstalling the Sockets library. By the way, I have no idea how to do it without VS - I haven't faced such a task. Probably can be done by some command line. It's easy, but it's a pain in the neck for the average user. Ie ... to transfer the program must still mess with the installer or at least a batch + instruction.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I don't want to state anything, but there is one but... Or better, one question.

A "single Nuget lib" is connected to a project. A lot of libs from the framework are connected to the C# project. However, C# program won't work without this very framework. Banality, in general.

I suppose that when porting to another computer, not only the program itself, but also "one lib from Nuget" will be needed. I don't know how to integrate it there without VS.

Here is an example. The latest versions of the framework (still for VS 2015) don't have sockets and have to be installed from the same Nuget additionally. Transferring a C# program to another computer where sockets are not part of the framework is impossible. At first you have to bother with reinstalling the Sockets library. By the way, I have no idea how to do it without VS - I haven't faced such a task. Probably can be done by some command line. It's easy, but it's a pain in the neck for the average user. Ie ... to transfer the program must still mess with the installer, or at least a batnik + instruction.

The only question here is how the add-ons are connected. If they are connected in the form of external libraries, then of course they must be "carried around". And if they are embedded as using, then all this is compiled as part of the product, as it happens in mql with include


The lack of a GUI in MT trading software is an obstacle to the growth of algotrading.

Nowhere will algotrading grow as much as in an MQL environment.

Taking GUI from another software environment is too difficult. Using your own, too. Graphic libraries are not for beginners.

If the GUI would be available to all, the market would blossom in bright colours.

Human imagination will find application for new features.

This has been the case at all times.

Реter Konow:

The lack of a GUI in MT trading software is an obstacle to the growth of algotrading.

Nowhere will algotrading grow as much as in an MQL environment.

Taking GUI from another software environment is too difficult. Using your own, too. Graphic libraries are not for beginners.

If the GUI would be available to all, the market would blossom in bright colours.

Human imagination will find application for new features.

It's been like that at all times.

And what are the suggestions?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And what are your suggestions?

Don't mind him, he's just a demagogue, in his usual capacity.)
By the way, it's a pity that the C# option doesn't work for me. But for those who only need a GUI, that's fine,
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Don't mind me, just a demagogue, in his usual capacity).
By the way, it's a pity that the C# variant doesn't suit me. But for those who only need a GUI, it's perfect,

I've hurt your ego a lot.)

About the demogoguery. You have only one thing in your profile on all your pages -"Yuriy Asaulenko added a topic". You do not create anything except topics.

And who is a demogogue here?

You should at least create something. You could have surprised them with something.

NOTHING. Nothing but endless and useless talk on this forum.

You are the real demogogue.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What kind of suggestions?

Suggestions? - Do what you started talking about in this thread. Develop a GUI creation in graphical mode.

And don't forget about this topic.

Develop your vision of the future.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And what are your suggestions?

Alexei, were you able to create a dll with the form?

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Don't mind him, he's just a demagogue in his usual role.)
By the way, it's a pity the C# variant doesn't suit me. But for those who only need a GUI, it's perfect,

Not true, I got an order today via VK for a panel, the guy wants strictly external C++/C3 for his choice. I said Sharp, of course.