Creating a GUI for MQLs in graphical mode. - page 3

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, yes. The forum and MQ don't want and won't let anyone out of the sandbox). That's strange, as all software is moving towards open systems.

So like half a year ago I brought up this topic and agreed with the Moderators that it is possible to post compiled ones. Karputov suggested, that uploader warn users that always check the .ex* for permission to use dll, there is such a checkbox at startup. A normal, sensible suggestion. And so it's been half a year, recently wanted to open a branch on scalping, and you can't anymore. I mean, I used to do it with a condom, but now I don't do it at all )))). What's with all the whimsy? Should I write to Renat or Rashid about my abuse? Or finally get out for the second time, and let them twist the Grails.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Or definitively get off the second time, let them twist about the Grails.

I, too, sometimes think about the same thing.

I was going to make a theme, such as "External TC - writing together". Open project, at the same time educational, because all by myself. From scratch, quietly and slowly, from the world by the thread ...). I didn't - they'll delete it for being off-topic anyway.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I sometimes think about the same thing.

I was going to make a topic like "External TC - writing together". An open project, and at the same time an educational one, since everyone is on their own. From scratch, quietly and slowly, from the world by the thread ...). I didn't - they'll delete it anyway, as it doesn't fit the theme.

With dll? They'll probably delete it.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

With dll? Most likely to be removed.

Of course, exit to the dll first, and from there to the TC. Yes, I know that there are no prospects. By the way, there probably won't be many who want to.) It won't even get removed, there's no way out.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Of course, first the exit to the DLL, and from there to the TC. Yes, I know that there are no prospects. By the way, there probably won't be many people interested). Not even deleted, no output.

Not many people here know what a dll. Even if we assume that our hangout is not limited to people who hang around here, and there is a kind of "dark energy" of the people who only read, this hypothetical people definitely do not know.

And I don't believe the figures of a million on the forum once voiced by the bosses. This is either dead souls or bots. But the active is not more than 100, + another 20-400 newcomers.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Of course, first the exit to the DLL, and from there to the TC. Yes, I know that there are no prospects. By the way, there probably won't be many people interested). They won't even remove it, there's no way out.

Check the mail, I wrote an offer there


I've added Tk to MT4 ("pythonist" known as tkinter) - it works fine. Only I haven't tried OpenGL and SceneGraph in it, although they are available :-)
GUI with all sorts of windows is written simply by scripts. With the visual design tools a bit rubbish, there is only a half-live VTK, but that's rather because it's really faster to write "by hand" than to draw in menus.

The idea is that we can write the whole gtk in EAs (yes, I've tried it, I can't say anything about indicators). There are already available the formal xml-descriptions of the interfaces drawn in glade.

But who needs it?

If you need reports, forms and financial/accounting analysis - just write everything to the database and generate reports from there.


Ha, I remember Golubev wrote that a lot of newcomers came to the English branch with money. One asked for a scalper to try it out. And I have lines of manual levels there. The usual trend lines.

So he doesn't know that you have to click it first and only then move it )) Golubev there time to introduce primary education, as they called schools after 1917 for peasants in sandals, where they learned to count to ten ))

I remember they called them LickBees.
Maxim Kuznetsov:

I've attached Tk to MT4 ("pythonists" known as tkinter) - it works fine. Only OpenGL and SceneGraph I haven't tried it, though I've got them :-)
GUI with all sorts of windows is written with simple scripts. With the means of visual design a bit rubbish, there is only a half-live VTK, but it is rather from the fact that it is really "hand-written" faster than drawn in the menus.

The idea is that you can put the whole gtk into EAs (you can, because I've tried it, but I can't say anything about indicators). Formal xml-descriptions of interfaces drawn in glade are already available there.

But who needs it?

If you need reports, forms and financial/accounting analysis, just write everything in the database and generate reports from there, that's what you need them for.

You're cool, I've been using Tcl/Tk for a long time and haven't found any use for it.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I have attached a Tk to MT4 (known to "pythonists" as tkinter) - it works fine.

tkinter no longer rules. There is a very similar one in Python, but wider, and with modern Windows look. I don't remember how, but it's being touted everywhere as an alternative.

Tried it, but don't use it. It's easier to do things in VS in C++/C#.