Canvas is cool! - page 49

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Well, what I don't understand is how on the graph is the highlighted section (and how is it highlighted by the broken curve) associated with the data array? I don't ask about the rest of the data itself.

Why do it from a picture, when the picture itself is formed from ready-made values. You may collect these values, assemble them as you want and send them wherever you need.

Nikolai Semko:

Why do it from an image, when you can form the image yourself from ready-made values. You can collect these values, compile them as you like and send them where you need them.

The point is that you have to look at a number of indicators in the form of stable layers in space. You have to switch indicators and save coordinate system - for example, you have built by profit, selected areas, built by profitability and so on by a number of indicators, and as a result you got islands to work with.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The point is that we need to look at a number of indicators in the form of stable layers in space, while having to switch indicators and maintain the coordinate system - for example, we built by profit, selected areas, built by profitability, and so on by a number of indicators, and in the end we got islands with which it makes sense to work further.

I do not understand you.
If you want to algorithmize finding these islands, the algorithm doesn't need visualization, it only needs an array of points or objects in n-dimensional space.
Visualization is needed only for our brain, because its pattern recognition system is based on visualizing objects, and in no more than 4D space.

Nikolai Semko:

I don't understand you.
If you want to algorithmize finding these islands, the algorithm doesn't need visualization - it only needs an array of points or objects in n-dimensional space and then it's up to you to analyze these arrays.
Visualization is needed only for our brain, because its pattern recognition system is based on visualizing objects, and in no more than 4D space.

The question is not about visualization of selection results, but about a tool for selecting the right sites.

The question is not about visualization of selection results, but about a tool for selecting the right areas. For example, I can hardly imagine how to automate selection of logarithmic areas in different systems of calculation (coordinates).

Nikolai Semko:

I don't understand you.
If you want to algorithmize finding these islands, then the algorithm doesn't need visualization, it only needs an array of points or objects in n-dimensional space, and then it is a matter of technique to analyze these arrays.
Visualization is needed only for our brain, because its pattern recognition system is based on visualizing objects, and in no more than 4D space.

Probably meant manual selection of data sections in 3D graphics
Artyom Trishkin:
Probably meant manually highlighting sections of data in 3D graphics


Aleksey Vyazmikin:


Well then, the first thing that comes to mind is using the mouse wheel to navigate the third dimension. If you want to, everything can be done.
When drawing a picture, knows where which pixel comes from. When drawing a picture, fill in a two-dimensional array of structures. The dimensions of the array correspond to the coordinates of the pixels, the structure contains the desired data or references to the desired data.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
When drawing a picture, know where which pixel comes from. When drawing a picture, fill in a two-dimensional array of structures. The dimensions of the array correspond to the pixel coordinates, the structure contains the necessary data or references to the necessary data.
This is also possible if diversity is not implemented (a pixel can belong to more than one object) and the objects are not under each other and need to be accessed.
No matter how you look at it, you need a 3D mouse. At least a software mouse.
Nikolai Semko:

pay attention to speed and code size.
And this is all without Direct X

hope the enthusiastic mice have all squeaked by now ?

noticed incorrect calculation of coordinates and scales "r"

good visualization, but to be correct and readable, we need to keep calendar (real time, not bars), and something to think about radii - deviations are not readable.

or r needs a log scale or something else.