Canvas is cool! - page 87

Alexey Viktorov #:

Among my files, where I experimented with such file insertion, I found a file created in November 2019. I was interested in it even earlier. Unfortunately, I have not found the script where an image file was saved from such an array.

And here, most likely, it is from you, and I copied the idea))))))

There was also as a picture was someone's flag.

I do not remember where on the vastness of this forum it was posted.

ZЫ. I found it)))))) Here here I copied it.

Alexey Viktorov #:

Among my files, where I experimented with such file insertion, I found a file created in November 2019. I was interested in it even earlier. Unfortunately, I have not found the script where an image file was saved from such an array.

I covered it in the articles on the library. A long time ago
Aleksandr Slavskii #:

And here, it was probably from you that I copied the idea))))))

There was also someone's flag as a picture.

I don't remember where on the vastness of this forum it was posted.

ZY. I found it))))) I copied it here.

Thanks, and I have already restored such a script.

File_png.mq5  9 kb
Artyom Trishkin #:
I've covered this in articles on the library. A long time ago

Artem I never doubted your competence, but you know I can't read very well.

Alexey Viktorov #:

Artem I never doubted your competence, but you know that I can't read very well.

Then let me remind you that you can also pack sound files in ex4, ex5.
An example of sewing into the source not a binary file, but a text file.

Nicholas. I noticed that if you use a PNG gradient image, you can clearly see squares if you don't change the size.

Perhaps it is colour mixing or some other effect. I don't see this with BMP.

These are definitely not artefacts of the picture. When you zoom in you can see the borders of smaller squares. Any thoughts on this?

And I'm wondering where to change the Files folder to Images.

cubes.png  574 kb

I also noticed an error

2023.10.02 12:03:24.509 TestResizeCanvasAndImage USDCHF,M15: zero divide in 'png.mqh' (453,22)

This image caused an error. It is definitely a PNG, but it has no DPI in the data

//upd. Some of them also have no PDI data, but they work.

And there was another trick, when the picture was displayed 1,5 times the original size, but there DPI did not affect, I changed it, but nothing it did not affect.

The picture was displayed above the original resolution. There are pictures that are displayed smaller than the original size. In general there is still something to think about.

// As if there is something else in the picture besides PDI and size that affects the size error

Horse.png  72 kb

With such skills of graphical display you can write your own panels for switching and setting indicators....

like this

I suppose it will go down well in the market.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

Nicholas. I noticed that if you use a PNG gradient image, you can clearly see squares if you don't resize it.

I tried it. I noticed squares only in case of resizing. That's why my resize algorithm is probably not perfect. I already wrote once that this algorithm was created hastily in half a day quite a long time ago. Now I would do this algorithm quite differently. But, unfortunately, I don't have time for now.

ZЫ in the current algorithm to solve this problem you should change some sign < to <= or vice versa.