Is there a universal system? - page 6

Victor Ziborov:

People here in the Forum talk about Warren Buffett, who had a 42-year average annual return of 22.39%. And it is presented as a role model.

Look at Forbes, the list of the world's billionaires.
Is there even one who made money on forex? )))
and buffet is number 3 on it.


A question has arisen: are there any universal trading systems that can show good positive dynamics on a long history?

There is - it's training your own brain. PS This is not a joke. The human brain can learn. And AI has not yet taken over the initiative completely (except in chess, where the alpha-zero with a rating of 4000 goes).

Warren Buffett is not a forex trader. money made buying companies or shares over the long term.
Ivan Gurov:

There is - it's the training of your own brain. PS This is not a joke. The human brain can learn. And AI has not yet taken over completely (except in chess, where an alpha-zero with a rating of 4000 goes).

Unfortunately brain training does not get rid of human factor emotions, current mood, trader's temperament, which distinguishes AI for the better significantly. And I will tell you that my AI exceeds human by several times in terms of trading quality.

In the screenshot you can clearly see the moments when the human intervened, as well as areas when AI corrected his mistakes.... Case in point...

Of course Forex is a scam. And you can only get rich on it (or anywhere else) if you understand what the deception is. Well, take a look for yourself. Everyone knows that the price moves up and down. It moved down and then froze for a second. It is clear that now it will go up and you have to buy. Or wait. The price senses your fluctuations and waits. And when you have decided to buy, it moves downward, to a stop loss. Or a stop-out, whichever you prefer. Observe and see for yourself.

Young man.
The charts you are happy to observe are a graphical representation of the behaviour of each trading account with a real trader behind it.
And in recent years among real traders there are robots (or whatever you want to call them). Which in turn adds to the volatility.
That's the name of the phenomenon you're writing about. And which has surprised (frightened) you.
Market volatility amazes you.
You realize that you are faced with an ocean of behavioural factor, and divided by exactly as many traders...
Looking at the wild unpredictability, you begin to realize that there is no way to prevail over the Element.
It is like when you see a Natural cataclysm (like a strong wind) and you are powerless to influence it. There is nothing you can do. You can't order Nature to stop the wind immediately.
However, you could have done something beforehand. If you had enough information at your disposal, you could make some kind of prediction.
By looking at the projected future through the prism of fundamental analysis, you could "foresee" the consequences. Consequently, you would be able to make sure that a hurricane wind would not hurt you.
And therefore, if you look at a longer horizon - the market fluctuations will be a little smoother for your perception. And more accurate by the way. So you have a direct need to use technical analysis for a more accurate exit entry.

In reply to the author of this thread, I would like to note that a "universal trading system" should be based on practical trading. When losses cause you moral pain. No one can experience your pain. Therefore, no one can replicate your trading system. Even if you spell it out in great detail. And even if everyone understands. Still, no one can do what you do. Roughly the same, yes. But not exactly the same. Because we are all different.
Thus, you will never find such a system.
The only systems that are truly universal for you are the ones you develop on yourself.
It's like a suit made just for you. As well as shoes and accessories.

Market is the only place on the Planet where you control yourself. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Given that forex is not a scam, in your hands is a unique opportunity to change your life for the better.
Well, where or who will offer you something like that in life? So you're off to work in silicon valley right now...? Or maybe you start a 100% successful business right now, or become a director, or an executive...? Or what kind of project would anyone give you or invite you...?
Who really needs you...? Everybody's got their own problems.
So Forex is almost the only place where no one is cheating you.
Well, how well you'll use this opportunity - it's up to you.
So look at yourself from the outside.
Work on yourself.
So don't jump to conclusions.
At some point you're going to wonder where you were before.

Ivan Gurov:

There is - it's the training of your own brain. PS This is not a joke. The human brain can learn. And AI has not yet completely overtaken the initiative (except in chess, where alpha-zero with a rating of 4000 goes).

Investing is an art.
And for now, art and all creative professions cannot be replaced by robots, or AI.
For example, while most of today's wide range of professions will be replaced by machines in the near future, the fields of creativity(science, entrepreneurship, art, medicine, education, politics and law, quality control, etc. etc.) will be bypassed. Moreover, AI and robots will help creative people. That can already be observed.
As investing is an art, consequently, machines will not replace people in these fields, but will qualitatively complement them (the creative process will be optimised).

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Trading is an art.


Trading is a complex technical task, because the basis is a two-coordinate chart, which has several different solutions, depending on the task, up to lossless trading. Another point is what conditions are set in the initial parameters of this task. For example, if the basis of the task is profit, then the output will be a scalping strategy, and if reliability and stability, then we will get a rare trade, like a medium-term or conservative strategy.

Any whim for your money!

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

Trading is an art.

The art of elk breeding

here is a screenshot for example
Mickey Moose:

The art of elk breeding

Here's a screenshot for example


Only there are no elk,

conspirator ;0)

Serqey Nikitin:


Trading is a complex technical task, because the basis is a graph in two coordinates, which has several different solutions, depending on the task, up to lossless trading. Another thing is what conditions are set in the initial parameters of this task. For example, if the basis of the task is profit, then the output will be a scalping strategy, and if reliability and stability, then you get a rare trade, like a medium-term or conservative strategy.

Any whim for your money!

The opinion is not wrong.
It follows from the process you mentioned (laying down EA parameters) that the process you describe is itself creative.
And it is done by a person.
In addition, you are discounting Market Participants who do not use trading robots. And they are in the vast majority.
Therefore, to analyse the behaviour of the human masses, adjusted for the presence of robots, is a creative process, or art, skill.