Is there a universal system? - page 7

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

The opinion is not wrong.
It follows from the process you mentioned (laying down EA parameters) that the process you describe is itself creative.
And it is done by a human being.

There is no need to engage in verbiage: "ART" and the creative process to which ANY human activity applies are, after all, different things...

Serqey Nikitin:

There's no need for verbiage: "ART" and the creative process to which ANY human activity belongs are, after all, different things...

I'm not engaging in any verbiage.
Art and creativity are suitable as an example to describe it.
That's why I cite as an example activities that cannot be replaced by machines.
However, I see you are "clinging to words". You understand perfectly the example I gave of man and machine.
I expressed my opinion and gave an example, at least somehow arguing my words.
I have not heard a good example from you so far.
If you have opinions not similar to my opinion on this area, I am not going to challenge them, as in this case, when you force me to answer you in an easy to understand, developed form.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

So far, no good examples have come from you.

You're wrong again, as you haven't provided "good examples" yourself... On the other hand, you are a Beginner..., but have you been taught to use the SEARCH button to get "good examples"...?

Serqey Nikitin:

You are wrong again, as you have not provided any "real examples"... On the other hand, you are a Beginner... but have you been taught to use the SEARCH button to get "real examples"...?

What a judge you are, though...
How could you not provide an example...?
The example was that machines are not yet able to replace humans in the arts and creativity.
Sorry, how is that not an example...?
Well then, give me your example.
Why do you suggest me to use the search button (and why search in general) if you yourself either don't want to understand the meaning, or you are deliberately trying to complicate the dialogue and lead it in a different direction.
Can you give me an example of an area of human activity which machines cannot replace yet?

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

What a judge you are, though...
How could you not provide an example...?
The example was precisely that machines are not yet able to replace people involved in art and creativity.
Sorry, how is that not an example...?
Well then, give me your example.
Why do you suggest me to use the search button (and why is there a search button...), if you yourself either don't want to understand the meaning, or are deliberately trying to complicate things and take the dialogue in a different direction.
Can you give me an example of a human activity that machines cannot yet replace?

Bitcoin is only dying for that reason in my opinion

Circulation of money, in short

There will always be a material equivalent of money (coins, paper, barter and so on)
Victor Ziborov:

I believe there are. These strategies are trend based (as you wrote, "trend system"). In order to avoid, as you wrote, "a flop from nullifying a trend system", you need to be able to recognize this flop and not open orders at all during the flop. You should be able to wait them out.

I completely agree with you. Only 'trend-following strategies' and 'trend-following trading systems' are able to show such results in the market over the long term, despite periods of 'stagnation' in the market ...


I do not know what kind of strategy you are trying to implement on your trading account.

Victor Ziborov:

We should not forget that flat strategies based on averaging are flawed and will not lead to anything good. An example is the legendary Calm, which miraculously stayed in the market on the basis of averaging. But EURUSD suddenly went up for a year (almost without a break) and there was no possibility to average. As a result, the legendary Calm got a Stop Out. Of course, his Subscribers were upset and the rest of the viewers were disappointed in their idol.

But in the above example from the strategy tester we would have made from the original 1,000$ + 600,000$ but only it would have happened after a whole 18 years... that's what stops newbies. They don't want to accept the rules of the "wave trading" market and look for all sorts of ways to make money in any market condition and always on the plus side. And even if it is possible, most often they use "toxic" trading methods which, in 9 out of 10 cases, still result in a single losing trade and loss of all funds.

Victor Ziborov:

So one should focus on trend-following strategies and, by the way, be able to "flip" if the wrong direction is chosen.

That's right. In profitable and reliable long-term systems all trades are protected by a fixed SL. In the example above 18 year old EA used SL - 1000 pips and TP - 2000 pips on five digits.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

My example was that machines are not yet able to replace people engaged in the arts and creativity.
Sorry, how is that not an example...?

Sorry, but this is your speculation that "Trading is an art"... You haven't cited a single fact - just verbiage...

My example: Trading is a complex technical task! And if you can operate the SEARCH button, you will find evidence of this...

Or I'll drop it to you in a private message...

This is the first time I have heard that the market is a sphere of art. Creativity must be present in any sphere of human activity, but art... XM.... Although if you manage to make a "Cherry on the Cake" pattern, then I would call it an art, but it rarely happens. most of the time it is cold-blooded calculation that machines make much better than humans. i checked it myself :-)
Serqey Nikitin:

Sorry, but this is your speculation that "Trading is an art"... You haven't cited a single fact - just verbiage...

My example: Trading is a complicated technical task! And if you can use the SEARCH button, you`ll find proof of it ...

Or I'll drop you a note...

For those of you on the road:
This is just your point of view. Which, however, does not invalidate investment as an art form.

The original point was that not all areas of human activity can be replaced by machines. Computer technology will never be the mainstay of the creative process.
Art exists by human creativity, imagination and the ability to improvise and joke, which artificial intelligence can never do.
Particularly areas of creative professions like: science, entrepreneurship, art, medicine, education, politics and law, quality control etc.
This is just to remind you of what we were talking about.

Now in response to the position you have taken:
You are living in a very ancient ambition.
Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, what you used to consider art is poetry, painting and other widely known kinds of art...
You just haven't had time to notice how new understandings have come into our World. Including the understanding of what already has a right to be called art.
Maybe short-term trading cannot be called an art. After all, your robots are short-term traders, as a rule.
But isn't investing an art? Can't you call a person's ability to interpret the psychology of the masses with the right intent, to identify emerging, or declining trends in the economy, an art?

The definition and appreciation of art as a phenomenon is a subject of never-ending discussions.
Art is the experience, the test, the figurative understanding of reality. The process or outcome of expressing the inner or outer world in an image, or result.
Creativity directed in such a way that it reflects what is of interest not only to the author himself, but also to others.
Art (along with science) is one of the ways of knowing, both in the natural scientific and religious picture of the perception of the world.
The notion of art is extremely broad - it can manifest itself as extremely developed mastery of a certain field.
For a long time, art was seen as a cultural activity that satisfies human love of beauty.
With the evolution of social aesthetic norms and values, any activity aimed at producing aesthetically-expressive forms or results has earned the right to be called art.
In science, art is defined as both the creative activity itself and its results.
In science, art is defined as both the creative activity itself and its results, and it has several meanings: the process of realising a talent, the work of a gifted craftsman, and the consumption of art by the public.
A work of art is a deliberately talented interpretation of an infinite number of concepts and ideas with the intention of communicating them to others.
They may be created specifically for the stated purpose, or represented by images, objects, or results.
Art stimulates thoughts, feelings, representations and ideas through sensations.
It expresses ideas, takes many different forms and serves many different purposes.
Art is a skill that is capable of arousing admiration.

Student Sergey Nikitin...! You get an F for grades. И... You'll repeat the year.

Maksim Dlugoborskiy:

For those on the move:
This is just your point of view. Which, however, does not invalidate the status of investing as art.

Art is a skill that can be admired.

I have over 50 inventor's certificates... If in your estimation an invention is one of the indicators of "art", then I have had enough of your admiration...