MT5 is for programmers, not traders - page 16

Alexey Viktorov:

What's wrong with Bars()?

You should ask those for whom iBarShift-value is demanded.

Alexey Viktorov:

What's wrong with Bars()

Returns the number of bars in the history for the corresponding symbol periodon a given interval.

How is it different from.

The function returns the index of the bar in which the specified time falls.

From the current time, to the specified time, exactly how many bars the index will find iBarShift ()

There are inconsistencies and inaccuracies there. I got it. You know about them yourself.

Artyom Trishkin:

Because some of today's beginners need lego - the USE is paying off - they've been taught to stack cubes...

That's who you're judging by. As the face of the company, it's not nice for you to slip into trolling. You've already written that even those who have experience in MT4 have difficulties. And they don't need lego.

You should ask those with iBarShift-values demanded.

Why ask anyone if you bemoan the lack of an analogue you???

Artyom Trishkin:

There are inconsistencies and inaccuracies there. I got them. You know it yourself.

No, I don't. What are you talking about?

Alexey Viktorov:

Why ask someone if you complained about the lack of an analogue?

Not complaining, but stating the fact that iBarShift is missing in SB and MQL5.

There is a massively popular (for years) functionality, which is absent - that's the message.


Not complaining, but stating the fact that the sought-after iBarShift is missing in SB and MQL5.

Well, not in SB, but in the documentation.

Vitaly Stepanov:

And some have completed eight years of Soviet school. and everyone's life has turned out differently in general. But what does this have to do with it?

Because just 10 years ago, newbies on this forum were asking all sorts of different questions, far more complicated and interesting.

Just as a comparison. And do not tell us about old people whose grass was greener, sky was blue and food was better in their youth ;).

George Merts:

I'm afraid it's impossible to learn a language without learning the basic methods (including SB).

How do you propose to learn a language without knowing anything about the file system, mouse or keyboard input, or screen output? Are you going to say "a beginner should learn a language and you propose that he should learn screen output methods"?

long gone are the days when a programmer before learning C -- went through machine commands, assembler, Fortran, PL/1, Pascal and many other things -- all without textbooks, without proper explanation, as Volchansky said above, with documentation printed in crooked letters.

This is the time of complex multifunctional application systems -- where there is an embedded application programming language -- and the task of that language is to make the application terminal available to application users who, without deep digging into the maze of programming -- can quickly and in a short period of time learn and use that terminal language.

George Merts:

You should have read it more carefully. I learnt programming at school. I started with a calculator - it's Assembler-like code... And I learnt the WM80 assembler on my own, not at the institute, from Radio, Modelist-Konstruktor, UT and other magazines.

Just I remember well how I was a beginner. That's why I told many times - for beginners - there are a lot of reference books and examples. Take any of them, study them, and if you don't understand something, ask.

By the way, I don't really understand why experienced programmers are not ashamed to ask "silly" questions like "How does the CObject class from the Standard Library work" and newbies are "ashamed"...

How complicated is the assembler?