here's a new job for $10. Has something changed in the job service ? - page 6

Rashid Umarov:

"Steal, drink, go to jail".

In two months, they should have realised that decompiled code work is forbidden. Access to freelancing has been restored, but not for long, I think.

Rashid, what if a customer takes a decompiled code and compiles it, changing the indicator name. Then he places an order with .ex4 indicator, how will he do it? What is worse: to place the decompiled indicator unknowingly, or to deliberately use the stolen indicator for the request placement, but without exposing the theft?

Just a question: is the decompilation problem dragged on for too long? All the fresh stuff, as far as I know, cannot be decompiled. And all the old stuff isn't worth anything anymore.

I've seen a CodeBase decompiler of Cmillion's work. That is, people took it from CodeBase and placed it somewhere as .ex4 and someone decompiled this work. It looks very silly, but there is such a case. And no one is going to find out if the same thing happened again...

Alexey Viktorov:

Rashid, what if the customer takes a decompiled indicator, compiles it by changing its name. Then he places an order with .ex4 indicator, how will he do it? What is worse: to place the decompiled indicator unknowingly, or to deliberately use the stolen indicator when placing the request, but without exposing the theft?

Just a question: is the decompilation problem dragged on for too long? All the fresh stuff, as far as I know, cannot be decompiled. And all the old stuff is not worth anything.

I've seen the decompiled works of Cmillion from CodeBase. That is, people took it from CodeBase, placed it somewhere as .ex4 and someone decompiled this work... It looks very silly, but there is such a case. And no one is going to find out if the same thing happened again...

In general, to be on the safe side, I don't take jobs with third-party indicators, etc. only if they are from the Market or the standard ones.

Vladimir Gribachev:

I don't take jobs with third-party indicators, etc. only if they are from the market or standard ones, to be on the safe side.

Nowadays, decompiles are so disguised, renamed functions and so on, that sometimes you don't understand that it is a decompile.

Ok found the answers, it's already been written about...



As far as this thread is concerned, it's simple:

  1. don't sign up for work where the customer has provided contact details;
  2. don't sign up for a job with a decompile;
  3. And if you do - be prepared to get banned from Freelance;
  4. And if you signed up and made a mistake (there were such cases in English - first, a friend signed up, then noticed the decompilation in the attachment, then he clicked on the Complaint, and then he got banned from freelancing) - send a request to the service desk (as far as I know - in such cases, performers-coders are unbanned, that is - I remember a few such cases, but still resolve it the admins).



Запрещено договариваться с заказчиками мимо сайта?
Запрещено договариваться с заказчиками мимо сайта?
  • 2017.12.06
Сразу скажу что специально не разу не агитировала заказчика заключить сделку мимо фриланса. Т.к...

Now these rules should be written into the ground rules (sorry for the tautology) and there will be no need to scour the whole forum for rules ))

Olena Zelenska:

Now, these rules should be written into the ground rules (sorry for the tautology) and there will be no need to scour the whole forum for rules ))

These are not rules -- they are private opinions.

The rules are here and here

Yeah, well, it's a real ban, so it's not the rules in theory, but in practice it's very much the rules...
Olena Zelenska:

Ok found the answers, it's already been written about...



As far as this thread is concerned, it's simple:

  1. don't sign up for work where the customer has provided contact details;
  2. don't sign up for a job with a decompile;
  3. And if you do - be prepared to get banned from Freelance;
  4. And if you signed up and made a mistake (there were such cases in English - first, a friend signed up, then noticed the decompilation in the attachment, then he clicked on the Complaint, and then he got banned from freelancing) - send a request to the service desk (as far as I know - in such cases, performers-coders are unbanned, that is - I remember a few such cases, but still resolve it the admins).



1. nonsense! Signing up for a job does not indicate that you are ready to the terms of the customer, and the contact details have nothing to do with the work.

2. 100% correct.

3. there are offline rules.

4. It's debatable, but if the application has been completed and there is at least one signatory, then the service should no longer allow the application to be corrected!


As for the bans/blocks in Freelance that we've been talking about lately -- not one ban/block has gone around the stated rules of Freelance.

What is written in the rules

Conducting Orders outside the Freelance service

  1. Freelance service is allowed to use only for its direct purpose - to perform all work and calculations within published Orders. Searching for customers or service providers in the Freelance service for work on the side is prohibited and is a violation of the Regulations.
  2. Customers and Applicants are prohibited from exchanging contact details in any form before entering into a Work Agreement. Violation leads to a ban from Freelance.
  3. It is forbidden to perform work and perform payments for Orders published in the Freelance serviceoutside the service. Violation leads to deprivation of access to all services of
  4. The administration may as a result of an internal investigation deprive the offender of the right to participate in the Freelance service without explanation.

What have been banned/blocked:

-- ban for signing the application with the specified customer contact -- violation of paragraph 2 "it is forbidden to exchange contacts in any form"

-- ban for signing the application with decompiled code attached -- it is clear here, read "Terms of Use of the resource"

There were no bans for other reasons.


Why did the wave rise (this is how I see it):

-- member of Freelance gets blocked and does not state clearly (or understand clearly) the reason -- banned person knocks into "rail" and does not receive answer or answer in style "gee gee, it's his fault

-- permitted collective bans -- and bans are "ostentatious" - like, let's ban ten people, discuss it publicly, so that others would understand - in the end, for those who freelance outside the Freelance service and for outsiders, it is nothing more than a "circus" in the style of "ten people banned in Freelance again

-- from officials (public moderators) are admitted intimidations about inevitable ban/block for the reason that not specified in the rules (see 1st and 2nd posts of this thread) -- as well as Freelance rules interpretations that are more about "private opinion" -- arrogant attitude to "injured" or "interested" is admitted

-- indefinite bans are allowed

-- public discussions are allowed -- their frequency and uncertainty about their legitimacy and understanding of the reasons -- creates unnecessary "hysteria" and multiple interpretations

-- it is required/recommended to "knock" as an indulgence from a ban -- press the "Complaint" button

p.s. This is my opinion and it could be wrong. I'm participating in Freelance since the early days, but I might not understand or know much. But I don't like what's going on with Freelance lately.


I will give my opinion, although it does not claim to be the absolute truth. Some time ago I was commissioned an advisor. It wasn't complicated at all, it took two days of work. I had the customer's coordinates, he had mine. We exchanged emails, Skype, and even telephone numbers. I had written a demo version, it worked only on demo accounts. We agreed that as soon as the customer had tested it and had no more questions, and had paid through webmoney, I would send him an archive with the full version of the EA with the password. After that, he will tell me the unlock code of the payment and I will send him the password from the archive. But the customer has disappeared and has never contacted me. In the end I was left with an unpleasant residue. But that's ok, I lost only 2 days. And if the week? What is good service Freelance is the fact that it is difficult to deceive the performer that the customer. At least, everything happens in plain sight, and you can always leave your feedback that the customer or contractor - a person dishonest. On the other hand any cheating is your personal problem and you are the only one to deal with it. That's why I am in favour of strict adherence to the rules. It is in the common interest. Perhaps some rules should have been clarified/changed/cancelled. Maybe, but not for sure. But if we are speaking of work outside the service, decompiling and other deviations from the rules, I would never do it again keeping that case in mind. Psychology is a peculiar thing. If the client is up for $10, wants some special preferences, does not like the rules, etc., it's almost certainly better not to do business with him at all.