How do you feel about the riskiest trading strategy, namely unwinding the deposit. - page 7

Roman Kutemov:
What is the strategy based on? With inputs on the whole cutscene there should be accurate inputs.

Volumetric + technical analysis.

Vasiliy Kolesov:

I've seen an example of one robot monitor (I won't advertise it), its author watched the whole audience with 5 K and increased his deposit by more than 200 K, I think it was 220. He withdrew more than 200 and the rest was lost. That's it, they are now taking small amounts of money on risky monitors... I'm talking about "Show me at least one such statement."

That is, it didn't show. Which is what I am talking about. All have heard about these openings - but for some reason they cannot show them for various reasons (as a rule, they are covered by the moderators, although it is clear that there is no advertising here at all).

So I myself can show such an example - in 2014 Pryakhina was a success, who raised her deposit more than 400 times in a fortnight. She was immediately dumped over 6 million into her PAMM, and she successfully drained it.

All these "boosts" almost always end up in a dump. And the only way not to lose money in them is to stop in time.

Georgiy Merts:

I mean, you didn't. That's what I'm talking about. All have heard about these dispersals - but somehow can not show them for various reasons (as a rule, covered moderators, although it is clear that there is no advertising and close).

I can show you an example - in 2014, there was a Pryakhina who raised her deposit more than 400 times in a fortnight. She was immediately dumped over 6 million into her PAMM, and she successfully drained it.

All these "boosts" almost always end up in a dump. And the only way not to lose money in them is to stop in time.

As for "did not show" - I can name the author, Ramil Miniakhmetov. I am monitoring his most popular robot at the moment (in the first line of the Market).

I also saw many similar PAMMs, with six months ago there was a "Drill" with PAMM "Gornitsa" Same as that under 10 000% of the account broke even millions, etc. at the end of the plum.

That is not the point. I have always been a bit overexposure, so I guess the main thing is to understand. The point is not that the huge depo brings huge profits. The point is to make a small depo increase it to a decent size. Yes, it may not succeed from the first time, but you just have to take it into account from the start.

I agree, Ramil lost this account as a result, but... before the drain, he withdrew over $200,000 at an initial risk of $5,000. Again, he withdrew it.

And my personal example. Here, the starting depo 1600, earned more than 11000, worked the adviser using martingale. You can view it on the mai fx buk. Type in the search engine "brazilianka" in Russian. The link will not fit here. I will show you the picture when I get home.


You come to the casino, wait for the roulette wheel to roll 3 times for any dozen or column, you bet, when you win you withdraw your bet and keep the double, and so on up to 7 wins, taking into account the first 3.

Olga Devitsyna:

You come to the casino, wait for any dozen or column on the roulette wheel 3 times, you bet, when you win you take your bet back and leave double, and so on up to 7 wins, taking into account the first 3.

The market is essentially a casino too, I'd even say the odds are better in a casino.

Georgiy Merts:

Show me at least one such statement.

As a rule, people "raise" depots in a very different way.

I lost once, I lost twice, I lost three times and I gave up this dirty business.

Mr Vasiliy Kolesov showed it.

In general,there is a small (depending on the applied strategy) probability P that after two losses you will strongly increase the deposit. And there is a large probability 1-P that you will lose the deposit the third time. Pure probability theory, what is there to argue with?

Aleksey Ivanov:

Mr Vasiliy Kolesov showed it.

In general,there is a small (depending on the strategy used) probability P that after two losses you will greatly increase the deposit. And there is a large probability 1-P that you will lose the deposit the third time. Pure probability theory, what is there to argue with?

The theory of probability says the future is independent of the past.

If you have to flip a coin now, the result is independent of the results of previous flips.
The theory of probability says that the future is independent of the past.

If you have to flip a coin now, its result has no bearing on the results of previous flips.

If you have stepped on a rake in the past and broken the stem on your forehead, you are unlikely to step on it in the future.)

Vasiliy Kolesov:

Well and my personal example. Here , starting deposit 1600 , earned more than 11000 , worked the adviser using martingale. You can look it up on my fx bucket. Type in the search engine "brazilianka" in Russian. I will not put the link here. I will show you the picture when I get home.

Well, a very typical result for a martingale.

What is the total (for all accounts) - what percentage is withdrawn each month ?

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

If you have stepped on a rake in the past and broken the stem on your forehead, you are unlikely to step on it in the future.)

it doesn't work for forex)))