Something Interesting in Financial Video March 2015

Trading and training video (from youtube for example) about forex and financial market in general.

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Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting in Forex Video May 2013

newdigital, 2013.05.03 07:45

This is next short video by Alexander Elder from this seria: First Step to Trading Success: Choose Your Proper Time Frame

Traders often focus on finding one or many complex indicators to use, but Alexander Elder explains that deciding what time frame to analyze is the most important first step. 




Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Something Interesting in Forex Video May 2013

newdigital, 2013.05.07 14:34

Name of this video is Full Metatrader 5 Overview. Some MT5 features were not explained there but, anyway - it is interesting to watch about Depth of Market feature and about other features of Metatrader 5. To make it shorter - this is very quick overview (about 10 minues) about the differences of Metatrader 5 compare with Metatrader 4 for example. 




Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 15:43

DAX forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The DAX as you can see broke higher during the course of the week, closing at the very top of the range for that candle. With that being the case, looks like the market should continue to go higher, but at this point time we feel that the market is a little overbought. We would like to see some type of pullback in order to start going long again, and feel a little bit apprehensive of going long at this point, as pullbacks should offer value in one of the most trusted markets.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 15:49

NASDAQ forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The NASDAQ as you can see broke out to the upside during the week, but turned back around to form a little bit of a shooting star. We are just below the 5000 handle, and that of course can be a psychological barrier. If we break down below the bottom of the shooting star, we could see quite a bit of support below. The 4800 level was previously resistive, so it should now be supportive. If we find supportive candles below, we would be willing to buy this market as it should build up enough momentum to break out above that area.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 15:53

Gold forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

Gold markets initially fell during the course of the week, but bounced as the $1200 level below offered enough support. With that being the case, the market looks as if there is plenty of support in that area, based upon the horizontal support, as well as the uptrend line. The hammer of course looks very positive, so we can break above the top of the hammer we are buyers but recognize that the $1240 level above probably causes a bit of a headache for the buyers. After that though, we feel that the market ultimately goes to the $1500 level after that.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 16:35

USD/JPY forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The USD/JPY pair initially fell during the course of the week, but slammed into the 120 level to find resistance. With that, we believe the pullbacks continue to offer value as the market should go higher due to the long-term uptrend. With that being the case, we are bullish and have no interest whatsoever in selling this market. We believe that the 115 level is massively supportive, and essentially the “floor” in this marketplace. We do believe ultimately that the uptrend continues going forward, heading to the 125 handle.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 16:40

USD/CAD forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The USD/CAD pair went back and forth during the course of the week, forming a fairly neutral candle. Because of this, we feel that this market should continue to go back and forth in this general vicinity but we were also looking at this chart in thinking that perhaps we could break down and head to the 1.20 and a. If we do, we would love to buy a supportive candle at that area as it is essentially the “floor” in this market. If we break above the 1.27 level, we would be buyers there as well. We don’t really have any interest in selling.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 16:43

NZD/USD forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The New Zealand dollar initially fell against the US dollar during the week, but as you can see found enough support below the 0.75 level to bounce and form a nice-looking hammer. However, if you can imagine this market going above the top of the hammer, it’s difficult to start buying this market at that point anyway. There is a massive amount of resistance all the way to the 0.80 level. With that, we have no interest in buying this market but would sell on a break down below the bottom of the hammer for the week.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Press review

newdigital, 2015.02.28 16:48

GBP/USD forecast for the week of March 2, 2015, Technical Analysis

The GBP/USD pair initially tried to break out during the course of the week, but found quite a bit of resistance above the 1.55 handle. This is the top of what we recognize as the potential consolidation area in this general vicinity, and as a result we believe that the market is getting ready to go lower. If we break down lower, and clear the bottom of the range from the week, we believe that this market should then head to the 1.53 level next, and then possibly the 1.50 handle. This isn’t much of a surprise though, because of the large, round, psychologically significant number such as this one is. There is a significant amount of resistance all the way to the 1.58 handle, so as a result even if we break above the top of the shooting star, we believe that this market still cannot be bought until we clear the 1.58 level.

We believe that this market will continue to bang around between the 1.55 handle and the 1.50 level. Because of this, we feel that the market is one that will be difficult to hang onto for the longer term, but if you are patient enough and can deal with the volatility, I believe that this market could offer quite a bit in the way of profit. Even if we break above the top of the shooting star, it’s only a matter time before we form another resistive candle as far as we can tell.

If we do break above the 1.58 handle, the more likely pattern will then be to the 1.60 level. At that level we would anticipate quite a bit of resistance as well, so really this point in time we don’t have any interest in buying this pair. The US dollar continues to be the favored currency by most traders, so of course it will be in this particular pair as well. Whether or not we can get down below the 1.50 level is a completely different question, so we aren’t even addressing that at this point.