From theory to practice - page 961

Yuriy Asaulenko:

As with any business.)

Playing the markets is a voluntary activity. No one forces it. Except on a whim or foolishness of their own.

A business - like a bread factory - will force you to buy. Everybody wants to eat.))

Uladzimir Izerski:

Playing the markets is a voluntary activity. No one is forced to do it. Except on a whim or foolishness.

Business - a bread factory, for example, will force you to buy. Everybody wants to eat)).

DCs don't play in any market - bets don't go into forex because they don't meet the minimum size criteria.


Doesn't the exchange involve alienation?

You're already making up your own rules for DCs - the collateral is sort of virtual...

It's not a virtual pledge, it's an exchange. You give a deposit to the broker in the form of a deposit.

The VC gives you a leverage so you don't have to chase billions back and forth.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It is not a virtual deposit but an exchange. You deposit the deposit with the DC in the form of a deposit.

The VC gives you a leverage so you don't have to chase billions back and forth.

How is a virtual exchange different from a virtual sale?

What billions?


DCs do not play in any market - bets do not go to forex because they do not meet the minimum size criteria.

It does not matter. If the DC does not have the funds to pay out it is bankrupt. All the DCs are insured with different financial instruments.


You opened a buy lot on EURUSD - what with what did you swap?

You bought dollars for euros, on closing the order the reverse is true - you buy euros for dollars.

Or is it different when money is exchanged at the exchange office?


How is a virtual exchange different from a virtual sale?

What billions?

Sorry. Not interested in answering stupid questions anymore.

A very strong thirst for cash, has me literally gnawing at the computer with my teeth in search of the Grail.

Changed it, added something to the grail? Or was it just the way it was?
Evgeniy Chumakov:

Bought dollars for euros, on closing the order the reverse is true - you buy euros for dollars.

Or is it different when money is exchanged at an exchange office?

The person claims that it is not a sale, but an exchange, but the difference is not clear yet...

Evgeniy Chumakov:

And you can't tell the difference because it doesn't explain anything to fools.

Shit, and there's the best part - there are billions going around in the DC.....