From theory to practice - page 655

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Until the stock is sold, your fortunes will not change in any way. Think about it.)

how no? how is buffet's fortune measured?) look at the value of all his stocks every year, and write in forbes the value of his fortune for that year.
That's what I'm saying. so that the investor's fortunes don't change in any way. so that he simply earns dividends for his own consumption.
How no? How do you measure Buffett's fortune?) they look at the value of all his stocks every year, and write in forbes the value of his fortune for that year.

Well, as long as you are still awake.

Buffett's is not a fortune, but a capitalisation of his assets, if only he decided to sell them today, but at market value. Who sells large blocks of shares at market value?) That's bullshit.

You bought shares. They're sitting there making dividends and they don't want to eat. You sell it when you want to, for example, when it's profitable. It's like buying a sewing machine - you don't care how much it will cost tomorrow.

How you can work with stocks. Buy shortly before the close of the register. Wait a few days, the register is closed - sell shares - receive dividends. Everybody is happy.

You have bought futures. Their rate fluctuations have a direct impact on your deposit, and minus the refinancing rate.

Refinancing Tender Rate - Евросоюз - MetaTrader 5
Refinancing Tender Rate - Евросоюз - MetaTrader 5
Ставка рефинансирования — процентная ставка, которая является минимально возможной для заявок на привлечение средств в тендере Европейского центрального банка. ЕЦБ каждые две недели проводит тендер по размещению средств, что необходимо для поддержания ликвидности в денежной системе. Высокие ставки снижают темпы роста потребительского...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, as long as you're still awake.

Buffett's is not a fortune, but a capitalization of his assets, if only he would sell them today, at market value. Who sells large blocks of shares at market value?) That's bullshit.

That's what I'm saying - that his fortune is the combined value of all his shares.

But I'm not Buffet. if I sell my share - the market will not collapse.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

You've bought shares. They're sitting there making divas and not asking to be eaten. You sell it when you want to, for instance, when it's profitable. It's like buying a sewing machine- you don't care how much it will cost tomorrow.

How you can work with stocks. Buy shortly before the close of the register. Wait a few days, the register is closed - sell shares - receive dividends. Everybody is happy.

You have bought futures. Their rate fluctuations directly affect your deposit, and minus the refinancing rate.

Would you give a shit if you bought a share, but a year later its price halved?

So I say, how do you buy a share so that you don't care how its price changes, and so that you can live on the dividends?


Well, that's what I'm saying - his fortune is the aggregate value of all his shares.

But I'm not a Buffet. If I sell my stock, the market won't crash.

Wouldn't you care if you bought a stock and a year later it doubled in value?

So I'm saying, how do you buy a stock so that you don't care how its price changes, and you live off the dividends?

Really don't give a shit. All these downfalls pay off in divs. Besides, why sell today? We can wait. Unlike futures, they don't ask for porridge.

But to live on dividends - you need a lot of stocks.) And if you live well, you can't buy that much on the market. The whole market is 5, max. 10% of the total. Do you really believe that the result of trading 1% of shares on the market will affect someone's fortune? Once again - the value of large blocks of shares is in no way dependent on the market price and such things are not traded on the market, from the word go.


Apart from the first appearance on the market, the fund always gets cheaper as it has brand wear and tear.

Therefore, the hope of cashing in on the dividend is highly questionable.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Apart from the first appearance on the market, the fund always gets cheaper as it has brand wear and tear.

So it's not advisable to wait for the dividends to pay off.

It always only gets more expensive. Except in crises. That's when crises are the time to buy.

During a depression, there was a millionaire (I forget his last name) who lived in the US. And during the depression, he kind of went bankrupt. And then he thought - businesses were flat and are flat and are not going anywhere, while stocks are worth kopecks and are almost lying on the ground. And the depression would end one day. So he invested all his money in stocks. Then the depression ended. I don't need to tell you what happened next.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

It's always just getting more expensive. Except in crises. It is during crises that you have to buy.

There was a millionaire (I forget his last name) who lived in the US during the depression. And during the depression, he sort of went bankrupt. And then he thought - businesses were flat and are flat and are not going anywhere, while stocks are worth kopecks and are almost lying on the ground. And the depression would end one day. So he invested all his money in stocks. Then the depression ended. I guess I don't have to tell you what happened next.)

I'm depressed now, too ;)

But crisis or not - I don't understand, where to invest - I don't know either

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Really don't give a shit. All these downfalls pay off in divs. Besides, why sell today? We can wait. Unlike futures, they don't ask for porridge.

But to live on dividends - you need a lot of stocks.) And if you live well, you can't buy that much on the market. The whole market is 5, max. 10% of the total. Do you really believe that the result of trading 1% of shares on the market will affect someone's fortune? Once again - the value of large blocks of shares is in no way dependent on the market price and such things are not traded on the market, by any stretch of the imagination.

Yeah, the stock is down 90% and you don't care. You will have to sell it at some point.
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Really don't give a shit. All these downfalls pay off in divs. Besides, why sell today? We can wait. Unlike futures, they don't ask for porridge.

But to live on dividends - you need a lot of stocks.) And if you live well, you can't buy that much on the market. The whole market is 5, max. 10% of the total. Do you really believe that the result of trading 1% of shares on the market will affect someone's fortune? Once again - the value of large blocks of shares is in no way dependent on the market price and such things are not traded on the market, from the word go.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Apart from the first appearance on the market, the fund always gets cheaper as it has brand wear and tear.

Therefore, the hope of cashing in on dividends is highly questionable.

buy a share and sell a share futures. you will not depend on share price fluctuations and the dividends will drip.

That's how hedge funds work.