From theory to practice - page 1780

Evgeniy Kvasov:

In general, it's a pity when the market doesn't give, it's better when it does)))

We can't wait for nature's grace, it's up to us to take it from herМы

Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача - это... Что такое Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача?
Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача - это... Что такое Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача?
  • Вадим Серов
Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача Мы не можем ждать милостей от природы, взять их у нее — наша задача Слова известного русского советского биолога, селекционера Ивана Владимировича Мичурина (1855—1935) из вступления, которое он написал к третьему изданию своих трудов: «Плодоводы будут правильно действовать...
Олег avtomat:

We can't wait for nature's grace, it's up to us to take it from herМы


chehegewara's tearing up the whole place)))))))))

Looks like the high bidder's joints are in the black.

Not an imho, of course.

Martin CHEguevara:

P - consistency on C - randomness =)

P - full monitoring link please! or C - screenshot from metatrader with equity


Sorcerer, as always, is showing wonders.

Everyone's got the Grails up their sleeve like a red-handed ace... It's not good... It's trouble...

Martin CHEguevara:

was - has always been - will always be => profit

You know what I mean=)

try to get a curve at the end with fewer trades...


Wizard often shows in his manuscripts "boxes with whiskers", or some intricate transformations from one distribution to another, and, well, the wildest profits on all this...

Well, I wondered... There was a brilliant mathematician named John Tukey. A master of statistics. He introduced the concept of boxplot and did incredible things in analysing data of any nature.

I don't feel like changing anything in my TS (though it may force me to), but maybe some of his works will be useful for somebody.

Типа такой:


Wizard often shows in his manuscripts "boxes with whiskers", or some intricate transformations from one distribution to another, and, well, the wildest profits on all this...

Well, I wondered... There was a brilliant mathematician named John Tukey. A master of statistics. He introduced the concept of boxplot and did incredible things in analysing data of any nature.

I already don't feel like changing anything in my TS (though life can force me to), but maybe something from his works will be useful for somebody.

wildest profits only when trading at breakeven

Renat Akhtyamov:

the wildest profits only on a break-even trade

You must have slept through his state... Well, there was a lot to see...


I am already reluctant to change anything in my TS (although life may force me to)

will definitely make me do it)


You must have slept through his state... Well, there was a lot to see...

I didn't.