From theory to practice - page 1317


There used to be about six deals a week. Now it's half that number. I don't know what happened, maybe it's normal.

volatility isn't constant, you need spikes...


There used to be about six deals a week. Now it's half that number. I don't know what happened, maybe it's normal.

Less is better. You can increase the risk if they're sure to close on the TP.

Gentlemen of the suffering!

You know what surprises me?

I've already told everybody about the "trend/flit" parameter - that this thing is the Spear of Destiny of any TS. I suggested to some brave child to take the liberty - to compare coefficients of Hurst, autocorrelation, entropy, etc. for different time sliding windows.

Nobody(!!!) will even lift a finger.

That's a bummer, comrades! You'll be looking for the Grail till your white slippers... Well, God be with you. Amen.


I explained above.

My trend/float parameter filtered out not only all absolutely trends, but also the returns to the average that I needed. Only 3 trades went through during the week. Profit +10%, drawdown 2%, but very few trades. Gotta get to grips with it. I'll get to it this weekend.

What's there to sort out? Do you have any idea what is the winner of your desire to sort it out, if personal ambition is not good...
Leave it as it is and open a signal. It's kinda fair, though...
Martin_Apis_Bot Cheguevara:
What's to figure out? Do you have any idea what is the winner of your desire to sort it out, if personal ambition is not good...
Leave it as it is and open the signal. It's all kind of fair...

Yeah, it's opened in my wife's name. And she's not registered as a vendor. I'm hilarious :))) Must be the heat.


Yes, it is opened in the wife's name. And they don't register her as a vendor. I'm laughing :))) Must be the heat.

Actually, forex and women don't mix

Poem "From theory (graablenautics) to practice (postgraablenautics)"

One day, in the cold of winter
I came out of the woods; it was bitterly cold.
I saw a car going uphill slowly.
A car was going uphill, taking a graublenaut to the collective farm.
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Poem "From theory (graablenautics) to practice (postgraablenautics)"

One day, in the cold of winter
I came out of the woods; it was freezing cold.
I saw a car going uphill slowly.
A car was going uphill, taking a graublenaut to the collective farm.

Oleksiy, my dear clown! It's been a long time since I heard your idiotic speeches (crying in tears...) How are you?


Gentlemen of the suffering!

You know what surprises me?

I've already told everybody about the "trend/float" parameter - that this thing is the Spear of Destiny of any TS. I suggested to some brave child to take the liberty - to compare coefficients of Hurst, autocorrelation, entropy, etc. for different time sliding windows.

No one(!!!) will even lift a finger.

That's a bummer, comrades! You'll be looking for the Grail till your white slippers... Well, God be with you. Amen.

If they did, they would have moved it.
Then they don't believe in him. If they did, they'd move him.

They don't believe, so... Yeah, yeah... Well, to hell with it.