From theory to practice - page 1820

Uladzimir Izerski:

That's right.

It's stupid to keep the unprofitable ones on trend.

Cut mercilessly.

Keep the profitable ones.

We just have to overcome greed and fear))

I don't see losses as a sure thing.

It took me four years to fight a loss.

that's a topic no one here has ever considered.

and she's more important than anything

Che is struggling with losses. I saw it on his signal.

and as said - to use such a system of struggle, you need to unrealistically drop the risk, and anyway, sooner or later will lose (tested)

so i threw this algorithm out of my head, it's not an option

Renat Akhtyamov:

I don't see the loss as the right move.

It took me four years to fight a loss.

this topic has not been addressed here.

It's more important than anything else.

Che is struggling with losses, I saw it on his signal.

and as he said - to use such a system, you need to unrealistically lose the risk and all the same, sooner or later will lose (tested)

so i discarded such an algorithm, it is not an option

I did not understand the post. What? You should not fight the losses? This is a difficult post to understand.


Renat Akhtyamov:

sooner or later it will (tested)

If your system is not immune to a power cut and internet crash, sooner or later it will leak.

Uladzimir Izerski:

To get +100, you have to go with the price. You need to know how the price will behave in the future.

To go with the price, it is enough to know where it is going now.

But there are few people who are able to look carefully under their feet. All are concerned with predicting "where the price will go in the future", counting future profits :)


To go along with the price, all you need to know is where it is going now.

But there are few people who can look carefully under their feet. All are concerned about where the price will go in the future, counting future profits :)

The price is bound to move within certain limits.

But not everyone understands it.

And everyone does not need to know it)))

Someone has to give a lecture, bake bread, or sew boots.)

And if everyone starts earning on the forefront? Who will feed and take care of shoes?

Where is the crane operator, by the way?

Uladzimir Izerski:

Price is doomed to walk within certain boundaries.

And that boundary is where the balance = 0. But not everyone realises this.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I don't understand from the post. What? You don't have to fight losses? A difficult post to understand.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

And that boundary is where the balance = 0. But not everyone realises that.

Why so sad? 0.

The price is kept within certain limits by the robots of the big banks.

The regularities are in plain sight.

And if everyone is blind. That's the way it should be. Nature didn't bestow a gift)). Only to sew boots.

Uladzimir Izerski:

And if everyone is blind. Then that's the way it should be. Nature didn't bestow a gift). Only sewing boots.

Show me the joker!

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Show me the joker!


I see you're taking an interest in my fun.)

Yes I deleted all the products and signal after being hit on by some jerks. They know who they are)))))

Here's the signal joker. I don't do it. It's in the archives.