From theory to practice - page 1032

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Seconds are many, see microseconds - all the global trends are there.

couldn't help but remind :


:)) I have no idea. Yes, I'm in no hurry - I don't have any results anyway...

The formula of happiness, which, according to Rena, is on every corner, I have not found (though, honestly, all corners in a flat have examined).

I will now stupidly suffer and crave as 99.9% of the contingent on this forum.

Initially with this approach there was nothing else to do. Facts are stubborn things.
Martin Cheguevara:
Initially, with that approach, there was nothing else to do. Facts are stubborn things.

I will wait until some fool publishes a formula for happiness and easy profits.

Waiting is also a business, no matter how you look at it.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The Japanese are not happy about deflation for some reason, but that too can probably be explained by the machinations of the omnipotent bankers.

Naturally. They open long positions on the uptrend of the economy, which they themselves spin entirely with the technology they control, and then (simply by creating a money supply deficit) cause a recession and depression by opening short positions beforehand. And economics professors are paid money to write lengthy treatises on the natural nature (and its "objective" driving mechanisms) of cyclical economic development with alternating ups and downs.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Naturally. They open long positions on the uptrend of the economy, which they themselves spin entirely with the technology they control, and then (by simply creating a money supply deficit) cause a recession and depression by opening short positions beforehand. And economics professors are paid money to write lengthy treatises on the natural nature (and its "objective" driving mechanisms) of cyclical economic development with alternating ups and downs.

No, no, it's not the Japanese. It's the reptiloids from the planet Nibiru.

And the most insidious Jedomasons are the dolts of them all.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Of course they are. They open long positions on the uptrend in the economy, which they themselves are unwinding with the technologies completely under their control, and then (by simply creating a deficit in the money supply) cause a recession and depression, opening short positions beforehand. And economics professors are paid money to write lengthy treatises on the natural nature (and its "objective" driving mechanisms) of cyclical economic development with alternating ups and downs.

I should also add that they look carefully at the cents accounts of the local kitchens, so that they can break 100 quid worth of stop-losses. That's how they live.

there's enemies and a conspiracy :-) "just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean no one's watching you."


No, no, it's not the Japanese. They are reptiloids from the planet Nibiru.

And the most insidious Jewmasons are the dolls of them.

What Japanese, get into the spirit a little bit, I'm writing about bankers who print quid.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I should also add that they're looking closely at the cents accounts of local kitchens, so they can rip off 100 quid worth of stop-losses. That's how they live.

there's enemies and a universal conspiracy :-) "just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean no one's watching you."

Of course, nobody cares about your cent accounts.

Aleksey Ivanov:

What Japanese, get into the point a little, I'm writing about bankers printing quid.

Burn your documents, take your most valuable things and leave by the fields - dummy reads the forum and the black helicopters have already flown out.

Go into the woods and don't come out to your lodgings for at least a month. And MUST Wear a Foil Cap - that way the reptiloids and bankers can't pick you out from the mental waves.


Burn your documents, take your most valuable possessions and leave by the fields - Doll reads the forum and the black helicopters have already flown out.

Go into the woods and don't come out to the shelter for at least a month. And MUST Wear A Foil Cap, so the reptiloids and bankers can't pick you out by your mental waves.

Yeah, I've got black helicopters on the ground and you've got an ambulance on the way with sirens and flashers.

I see you've brought up the difference between a real quotidian and a random one. Have you found any fundamental differences or not?