From theory to practice - page 1027

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

No, thanks, it's nothing for an individual.

I'm just trying to grab what's not good or left over.

Check this out. There's a reference to models with primary sources in there, too.


See. There is an indication of models with primary sources for the NS as well

Well, if there's a reference to the NS, send it to me.


By the way, there is a book systematising the main models used in markets - central banks, financial institutions etc.

Shall I send it over?

Who is the author, if it is not a secret?


There is no theory of ER.

There is a hypothesis of ER that has not been proven by anyone.

Dimitri, sorry, hypotheses are not proven, they are disproved.


I am a patient grandfather.

I am tired of listening to physicists, mathematicians, radio technicians, statisticians and other respected professions.

Do all these comrades think that only their specialty is ideal for the conditions of a successful manager of financial markets?

I do not deny that the knowledge of a certain subject is not bad, but it is definitely not enough for the knowledge of the market.

The market is complex and simple at the same time. You can't understand it straight away. It takes years to understand it.

A steady 1% a day is enough for a happy life.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Who is the author, if it's not a secret?


I leafed through it, about everything and nothing.

it's a completely mediocre handbook... or what it is, it's hard to even define

s.a. has come across it before

1. you're cheating - no Nobels proved that;

2. well, if you use random prediction models, then as the sample increases the probability of winning does approach 50% - if you open lots with a coin, the short term profit will tend to zero.

And if you don't use random ones, you don't.

Open the returns of the Soros investment fund for -teen years - what's not a horizon for you?

P.S. R^2 is the coefficient of determination.The proportionof variance of the dependent variable explained by the dependencymodel in question. Yoklmn....

Indeed, the Nobels failed not only to create a predictive model of the market, but also distinctly describe it in view of the fact that in addition to real prices on the market present and, unfortunately, recognized by no one yet, virtual prices Moreover, only the market for goods and services could be described. Without virtual prices it is impossible to make ends meet, as people say. Their recognition will inevitably come in the future. The first brick in this direction, I think, has been laid. I am open to discussing and advocating this issue.

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
Рынок — это механизм товарно-денежных отношений, действующий на базе присущих им законов, связывающий покупателей (представителей спроса) и продавцов (представителей предложения) и формирующий цены на объекты купли-продажи. Цена — главный ориентир рыночных отношений. Она представляет собой (в соответствии с трудовой теорией стоимости) денежное...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Indeed, the Nobels failed not only to create a predictive model of the market, but also to describe it intelligibly, given that, apart from real prices, the market also contains virtual prices, unfortunately not recognised by anyone, yet Moreover, only the market for goods and services could be described. Without virtual prices it is impossible to make ends meet, as people say. Their recognition will inevitably come in the future. The first brick in this direction, I think, has been laid. I am open to discussing and advocating for this issue.

Good to see you). Already thought you were disappointed in the markets.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Indeed, the Nobels have failed.,_%D0%AE%D0%B4%D0%B6%D0%B8%D0%BD

so, for the record, for those in the tank with their virtual deals and other esoterica

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Indeed, the Nobels failed not only to create a predictive model of the market, but also to describe it intelligibly, given that, apart from real prices, the market also contains virtual prices, unfortunately not recognised by anyone, yet Moreover, only the market for goods and services could be described. Without virtual prices it is impossible to make ends meet, as people say. Their recognition will inevitably come in the future. The first brick in this direction, I think, has been laid. I am open to discussing and advocating this issue.

Greetings, Yusuf!

I am very glad to see you back on the forum.

You just tell me one thing - whether in your theory there is something which replaces OI of sellers and buyers, or is its full analogue?