From theory to practice - page 1036

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

The article is of course more advertising, as there are many references to the book and all sorts of comrades from universities... I do not know whether to order it or not (and there is something to read).

I think it is better to look for his articles and see the sources cited in them.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

In the end, it came down to the 26 wealthiest individuals equalling the wealth of 3.8 billion people on the planet. This is the result of Nobel economists seeking to serve the public good. This is a vice of the market economy, i.e. capitalism, but unfortunately humanity could not come up with a better one.

Read about the Robin Hood index. The money will not last long, and the economy if "taken and shared" will collapse completely.

Индекс Робин Гуда 2018: сколько времени сможет прожить страна на деньги своего самого состоятельного гражданина
Индекс Робин Гуда 2018: сколько времени сможет прожить страна на деньги своего самого состоятельного гражданина
В «забеге» участвовало 49 стран — соответственно столько же представителей. Доминировали мужчины, лишь 4 представительницы слабого пола могли составить им конкуренцию. Это бизнес-леди из Анголы, Австралии, Чили, и Нидерландов. Быстрее всего деньги бы закончились у богачей из Китая, Японии и Польши. Доверь основателю Alibabа Group китайскому...
Here's a simple question for you:
Probably no one doubts that the quotes sometimes behave unpredictably. Thus, often there is no information, on which any conclusions can be made, so the creation of the Grail and its application at such moments says about the use of time machine technology, which is simply impossible.
Or is there a Madman who thinks otherwise?)
It is not difficult to determine a trend reversal, if one knows how to determine the trend itself.
But even in this case, the information for exact determination of the reversal is often not enough or it is false.
Using an order system which takes into account the continuous growth of the price will not be in our favour as mistakes will be forgivable.
Everything on the market is mirrored, the trend is someone's counter-trend and the current counter-trend is for the following trend. One to one.
The best way to make money as I've already seen - on pullbacks in those moments when everyone is still chopping money on the trend. And the more they chop, the more they lose.
Our task is to open on a pullback and in time to understand when 99% of traders who play both ways have lost
I am a beginner, a dummy. Can you tell me how and where to pay in order to start trading?
Until you realise that your advantage is in knowing that the 99% are losing, you won't make any money.
Martin Cheguevara:
The best way to make money as I have seen - on pullbacks in those moments when everyone is still cutting money on the trend. The more they cut, the more they lose.
Our task is to open on a pullback and understand in time when 99% of traders who play both ways have lost

i read this topic, but i am becoming more and more convinced that collective wisdom does not lead to good....

what is a pullback? the market does not care who lost money or where the trend has been and will continue

a pullback is first of all a liquidity failure - and no more or less than that, no liquidity - the algorithms of market makers will move the price to the liquidity

so on ))))

Раиль Алеев:
I am a beginner, a dummy. Can you tell me how and where I should pay to start trading?

Don't be in a hurry to give away your pension or anything else to "start trading" in forex.

There is no trading in the usual sense, it is purely technical work which you should not

entrusting it to anyone else. Firstly, find out (from different sides) what Forex really is,

What costs and efforts it requires, what is the profitability of trading (and it may be really quite high).

And then decide if you want to do this job or not.

Then make a decision whether to do this job or not.

Igor Makanu:

I read the topic, but I am becoming more and more convinced that collective intelligence does not lead to good....

what is a pullback? the market does not care who plummeted and where the trend has been and will continue

a pullback is first of all a liquidity failure - and no more or less than that, no liquidity - the algorithms of market makers will move the price to the liquidity

so on ))))

And liquidity is where the margincalls are, somehow so))))

Igor Makanu:

I read the topic, but I am becoming more and more convinced that collective intelligence does not lead to good....

what is a pullback? the market does not care who plummeted and where the trend has been and will continue

a pullback is first of all a liquidity failure - and no more or less than that, no liquidity - the algorithms of market makers will move the price to the liquidity

so ))))

If you start talking about liquidity here no one will understand anything. Most people here think in terms of "there's a big man, a Forex shark"), they have to explain elementary things in their own language.

And liquidity is where the margin calls are, so))))

There are options and futures with specific figures (prices). The market has fulfilled the order and that's it, then you need new orders, but there are no new orders and there is no liquidity

if the conspiracy theory and the theory of market search for stoplosses are closer, so be it