From theory to practice - page 835

PS There is no opportunity to lose.

New, believe me, almost everyone ends up trading martinis in a drawdown.

When you study the volumes on the CME and price movements in detail, the conclusion is unequivocal - the market is a martin from traders' orders to the counter-trend.

Not without reason, as I've written a bunch of software that parses this exchange's website, which has enabled me to get that conclusion.

Anti-trend martin provides a constant increase in risk. That is why its loss is like two fingers on the pavement)))

Show the market any amount of capital, the market will understand that you have that particular martin, and you will part with your money in full, sooner or later.

Thank you. Make the threshold larger than the discontinuity.

No. I'm not just talking about being able to calculate and build a zigzag.

Prices are not realizations of a process with continuous trajectories. They should be modelled by processes with discontinuous trajectories, for which H-volatility may not be determinable.

In practical terms this means that spikes and gaps will destroy your theoretical gains.
Aleksey Nikolayev:

No. I'm not just talking about being able to count and build a zigzag.

1. Prices are not an implementation of a process with continuous trajectories. 2. They should be modelled by processes with discontinuous tra jectories, for which H-volatility may not be determinable.

In practical terms this means that spikes and gaps will destroy your theoretical profit.

1. this is not true, the price is a continuous process of its formation, as a result of buyers and sellers arguing

2. this is not true. the model is already on the chart.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

No. I'm not just talking about being able to calculate and build a zigzag.

Prices are not realizations of a process with continuous trajectories. They should be modelled by processes with discontinuous trajectories, for which H-volatility may not be determinable.

In practical terms, this means that spikes and gaps will destroy your theoretical profits.
Not in the literal sense, H-volatility is not actually designed for trading in the long run, which lies on the surface, for analysis, for separating processes.
Renat Akhtyamov:

1. it is not true, the price is a continuous process of its formation as a result of buyers and sellers arguing

2. this is not true. the model is already on the chart.

Learn the basics. More precisely, study mathematics. When you get to the concept of a continuous function, think about why the real price can only be a continuous function of time when it is constant.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Learn the basics. More precisely, study mathematics. When you get to the concept of a continuous function, think about why the real price can only be a continuous function of time when it is constant.

if i learn the maths like the rest of the crowd, i will be in the .opera on forex.

accordingly your advice is rejected.

Renat Akhtyamov:

if I learn the matchbook like the rest of the crowd, I'm going to be in the forex .opera.

Your advice is accordingly overruled.

Long live Juche!

Renat Akhtyamov:

if I learn the matchbook like the rest of the crowd, I'll be in the forex .opera.

And rightly so. I remember your motto - work against the crowd.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Learn the basics. More precisely, study mathematics. When you get to the concept of a continuous function, think about why the real price can only be a continuous function of time when it is constant.

Can you make a clarification?
Yuriy Asaulenko:

And rightly so. I remember your motto - work against the crowd.

95 + 5

95 is laughing at 5,

5 rubbing their hands and thanking 95


not a tricky calculation, 2 weeks, 2 trades, initial deposit $100, loading 100% (screenshots already kicked):


that's the whole matchmaking ...