From theory to practice - page 568

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Alexander, have you ever heard anything about neural networks apart from the name?

I am unlikely, many years ago I myself was fascinated by this wonderful name, until I decided that to understand something you need to use simple tasks, first I taught the NS multiplication table, and the output of the learning process was done online, then I trained the NS indicator, which simply taught the MArchka - I also visualized.... The conclusion is that the NS is cool, but the result of NS directly depends on the input data, if the input is "rubbish" - the output will not be an NS Graal, it will be just another rubbish

If you read this forum, there were people who really worked with NS (not poking at a computer, just working seriously), one of them said that if you have a well-chosen matrix model, then the NS turns out to be simply unnecessary))))


Histogram! If there is a normal distribution - grail, no - yes, nothing changes...

here i made a histogram and added erlang thinning, sliding window and erlang settings are available to change

ZS: online zero bar will not count correctly, too lazy to do it while we're talking about the math model itself


Is it based on the data from the broker?

Nah, you need at least M5 from a reliable source - stock quotes, if working with Erlang flows causes an insurmountable obstacle...

geez... how hard is it with you.... Do you understand that there is no such thing as a perfect quote? I already wrote, look for admin Renat's posts on "tics"

I don't want to search for you, you're too lazy, and I've already read it

so who is such a reliable source of stock quotes...? as an option, it can only be you, if you become a broker and liquidity provider at the same time and invited a couple of hundred users to trade - but in this scheme, you will have perfect quotes ... But only until you run out of liquidity - you will have to go to another liquidity provider and alas... you have to accept their current quote prices.

Okay, it does not matter what happens with liquidity in the future, but the moment that among your users with perfect quotes appears a smart user who engages in arbitrage. What will happen to your quotes? - he will "eat up" your liquidity and????? - there will be no ideal quotes again?

once again, about ideal stock quotes - datafeeds are wagonloads, ticks are all filtered out


From the first one.

In the first column there are M1 increments and in the second column as you wrote = Sum of 1440 increments - 1 increment value.

Now build the same, but from the second file. It is different there.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

What is this, Eugene?!?

My hands are shaking.


What is this, Eugene?!?

My hands are shaking.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

In the first file. CLOSE M1? The second one isn't right, it's no good... Do you have CLOSE M5? Do you have any of Erlang's streams? Can you use a neural network? When are you going to do the neural network Grail?!


In the first file. CLOSE M1?


Hold the five minutes.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
Keep the five minutes.

7000 - not much data, can't see anything...

Here you go
And check this one out, if it's not the right one, I'll delete the code.