From theory to practice - page 561

Well, can we help A.K. find the trend? It's unclassified.)
It still won't save our theorist, but at least it will stop torturing the innocent ACF.

All the cards have already been opened for you. Price.

If that's not enough for you, play closed-card poker).

Олег avtomat:

And there is noise. And there is 'white noise' too.

Is science a material medium?

Can we have an example of "white noise" in computer science?

Oleg Papkov:

Can we have an example of 'white noise' in computer science?

What noise? Wake up, gentlemen of physics and mathematics.

There is a change in price more or less. What difference does it make. There is only a change in price.

Oleg Papkov:

Can we have an example of 'white noise' in computer science?

A citation index. There are statistics on it, analysis, justification. (if you are very interested, you can find it)

Oleg Papkov:

Can we have an example of "white noise" in the science of computer science?

I had no idea that computer science was a science.
It is rather a kind of conventional set of different sciences and fields of knowledge.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
You want me to help A.K. find the trend? It's top secret.)
It still won't save our theorist, but at least it will stop torturing the innocent ACF.

He doesn't want a trend. He wants an ACF.)

Олег avtomat:

He doesn't want a trend. He wants an ACF.)

Yeah, the heart wants what the heart wants,
Yuriy Asaulenko:
You want me to help you find the A.K. Trend? (This information is unclassified).
It still won't save our theorist, but at least it will stop the innocent ACF from being tormented.


In return, a ready-made Grail in VisSim+MT communication modules. All in all, a complete set, as promised.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
I had no idea computer science was a science.
It is rather a conventional set of different sciences and fields of knowledge.

Informatique isthe science of methods and processes for collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analysing and evaluatinginformation using computer technology so that it can be used for decision-making[1]. From Wikipedia.