From theory to practice - page 543


We need an instrument with which we can measure a basket of currencies. and that it always equals one.
Gold is not suitable because it has its own fluctuations.
People have more faith in gold as money, then less.

that was a slightly different graph. let's stay on topic.

Read Hrenfx, he has dealt with this.


we need an instrument with which we can measure a basket of currencies. and that it always equals one.
gold is not suitable as it itself has its own fluctuations.

The 'tool' you need for your 3-4-5-6-7 or 8-currency basket (the world's major currencies),

is most likely a system of as many linear equations of EQUAL values of currency baskets,

calculated in the value of each of the currencies in the basket through their forward and backward quotes.

This "tool" can also find application in fairly simple multi-currency indicators and Expert Advisors.

Do you need to "decipher" or give examples?


The 'tool' you need for your 3-4-5-6-7 or 8-currency basket (the world's major currencies)

is most likely a system of as many linear equations of the EQUAL values of the currency baskets,

calculated in the value of each of the currencies in the basket through their forward and backward quotes.

This "tool" can also find application in fairly simple multi-currency indicators and Expert Advisors.

Do you need to "decipher" or give examples?

Well, at least one person who understands this has been sent to the forum by nature.

It is important to understand the currency pair or currency.

Uladzimir Izerski:

At least nature has sent one understanding person to the forum.

It is important to understand currency pairs or currencies.

Currency pairs, or rather their forward and reverse quotes, are in the summands.


Currency pairs, or more precisely their forward and backward quotes, are in the summands.

Currency pairs are played by currencies. We can find a common language.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Currencies are played in currency pairs. We can find common ground.

It would be good... But that's my problem.

But the topic of currency baskets has been completely silenced for some reason. What do you think is the reason?


I wish... But that's my problem.

But the topic of currency baskets has been completely silenced for some reason. What is the reason, do you think?

A topic that few people understand. No more than that.

Uladzimir Izerski:

A topic few people understand. No more than that.

Perhaps. The guys from Ukraine once promoted it well through cluster indicators.


Possibly. The guys from Ukraine once promoted it well through cluster indicators.

I have been watching this resource for a long time. Either no one wants to shine with their knowledge and skills, or they are not on the subject.

Circles on the water. They are waiting for the cinderella.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I've been watching this resource for a long time. Either no one wants to shine with their knowledge and skills or no one is on the subject.

In general, there is too little concrete information on currency baskets and how they are "made up". And they are somehow "defined" and "maintained".

That is why we have to limit ourselves to comparative returns on currency pairs without relating them to actual baskets of currencies.