Bitcoin miner - page 29

Сбербанк признался в массовой скупке видеокарт
Сбербанк признался в массовой скупке видеокарт
  • 2017.11.11
  • Евгения Новоженина / РИА Новости
Сбербанк вызвал дефицит видеокарт на рынке, скупив их для своей лаборатории искусственного интеллекта. Об этом заявил старший вице-президент финорганизации Александр Ведяхин на международной конференции по анализу данных, машинному обучению и искусственному интеллекту Sberbank Data Science Day, передает РИА Новости. «Мы очень сильно инвестируем...

It's possible to mine without ASIC, on video cards, which pool I'm looking for now.

Ugh, well thank goodness they didn't ban mining on video cards. )))

In the meantime, most of the miners have gone from bitcoin to cache today - BCH hash rate is 7.38 exahesh, bitcoin dropped from 12 to 3.26.

Grandma! Hurry up and swap your old money for new!
Ilnur Khasanov:

Is it possible to use reactive power compensators in case of mining on a computer to save power?
Electronic people, please advise.

There is no inductive load in the power supply, they are all pulsed. So there is nothing to compensate for.


You won't get anything useful from my picture, you are doing fine as it is, but if you dare to overclock your combine I can show you how my startup file is organized....
I wouldn't say you need to call in a construction crew and wall up the unit but the combination works just fine.
1.from the moment you reboot, wait 30-40 seconds for all the drivers to load
2. run setup files for each card with nvidia inspector (they need to be tested and selected) individually
3. wait another 20 seconds
4. run the miner (in your case, nesh)
5. then run MSI Afterburner (it perfectly monitors the fans) is convenient to set the settings in the graphics.....
6. then run a total accounting file hash divided by number of cards and + control the Internet connection (to restart in case of failure) - a babysitter in general
All my cards are the same manufacturer and memory, but they all tested with different frequencies and need to be babysat

That's how it works)
@echo off

start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_0_2_150_720_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_1_2_150_720_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_2_2_150_710_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_3_2_150_730_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_4_2_150_700_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_5_2_150_850_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_7_2_150_720_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_8_2_150_740_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_9_2_150_750_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_10_2_150_710_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_11_2_150_710_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\nvidia Inspector\Set\" NVI_12_2_150_710_95_81_0
start /d "C:\Users\F1\AppData\Local\Programs\NiceHash Miner 2\" NiceHash
start /d "C:Program Files (x86)/MSI Afterburner\" MSIAfterburner
start /d "C:\Users\F1\Desktop\MuMiner\" MiningListener

Actually, I didn't ask for a picture from you, but from Alexey Bug.


Today, November 12 at 22:00 MSK will start mining Bitcoin Gold on Equihash algorithm, as it will be the second fork of bitcoin, with the same amount of new Bitcoin Gold given if there is regular Bitcoin.

It is possible to mine without ASIC, on video cards, through which pool I am looking for now. - official website

At the bottom of the page wallets, pools and exchanges


Tolko strangely, why such a stir?

1.000000 BTG = 407 $

Bitcoin Gold - GPU Bitcoin Mining (Official Website)
Bitcoin Gold - GPU Bitcoin Mining (Official Website)
Bitcoin Gold is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain. At block 491407, Bitcoin Gold miners will begin creating blocks with a new proof-of-work algorithm, and this will cause a bifurcation of the Bitcoin blockchain. The original Bitcoin blockchain will continue on unaltered, but a new branch of the blockchain will split off from the original chain...

I wasn't actually asking for a picture from you, but from Alexey Bug.

A755: and Alexei Bug, same person.

Apparently he changed his nickname. At least that's what the site thinks.


In a critical situation like this weekend, the cryptocurrency is showing its true colours. A huge number of miners have switched to the Bitcoin fork Bitcoin Cash due to rumours of Bitcoin being replaced by it.

At the same time, Bitcoin users began to experience a lack of capacity to process their transactions - and that means problems and frozen finances. What a familiar situation - queues at the exchange office, the old currency falling in value while you're standing in line...

Falling rate leads to unprofitable for miners to process bitcoin transactions, and they mine the cache. That's it, here we go. Meet the new currency.

And who rules the exchange rate in the end? The major miners.

F2pool, Antpool, Viabtc,,,, Supernova, Bitclub. Today switched to bch mining. The btc hashrate continues to drop

Bitcoin Gold tomorrow.

What's not the bankers in that video at the beginning of the thread? The ones printing money?

Igor Volodin:

In a critical situation like this weekend, the cryptocurrency is showing its true colours. A huge number of miners have switched to the Bitcoin fork Bitcoin Cash due to rumours of Bitcoin being replaced by it.

At the same time, Bitcoin users began to experience a lack of capacity to process their transactions - and that means problems and frozen finances. What a familiar situation - queues at the exchange office, the old currency falling in value while you're standing in line...

Falling rate leads to unprofitable for miners to process bitcoin transactions, and they mine the cache. That's it, here we go. Meet the new currency.

And who rules the exchange rate in the end? The major miners.

F2pool, Antpool, Viabtc,,,, Supernova, Bitclub. Today switched to bch mining. The btc hashrate continues to drop

Bitcoin Gold tomorrow.

What's not the bankers in that video at the beginning of the thread? The ones printing money?

The 5600 level is very attractive to buy, but it may be a bit short.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The 5600 level is very attractive to buy, but it may not get there for a bit.

And the point is, if the bitcoin has transaction problems (a few days delay - more on that) who needs it for fuck's sake? Tomorrow it will fall to 4000 and will hang around in range keeping conservative miners.

It seems that in this whole scheme with cryptocurrencies the moment of regulation of forks and clones was missed. Now the hamsters are being tricked like suckers. As always, the money won over the evil.)