Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 7


Artist Igor Lukyanchenko


Useless designer things

Useless designer things

Vladimir Karputov:

Useless designer things

You can still somehow drink out of these mugs, but that double shot glass...

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You can still drink out of those mugs, but that double shot...

How about a brudeshape?


Useless design things.

A glass that, when poured, is impossible to drop a drop of wine

A glass which, when poured, cannot drop a single drop of wine


October 13 - Savely Kramarov's birthday


Good morning


Artist Benjamin Carré (our contemporary)


Tokyo at night:

Tokyo at night


Photographer Mike Dempsey (article here).
He takes 'antigravity photos'

Impressive Gravity-defying Photography by Mike Dempsey
Impressive Gravity-defying Photography by Mike Dempsey
  • Mathias Winks
Der in Los Angeles ansässige Regisseur und Fotograf Mike Dempsey hat seine Wurzeln im Skateboarding. Die Themen Schwerkraft und Stürze lassen sich auch heute vielfach in aktuellen Arbeiten des Künstlers aus Kalifornien finden. Mit ein wenig digitaler Trickserei zaubert uns der in Connecticut aufgewachsene Dempsey ziemlich imposante...

Autumn morning

Autumn morning