Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 4


There is a Twitter account (not mine, just found it) where users from different countries post sunrises, sunsets, clouds, etc.

For example -


And they know what all the clouds are called, I think - Latin ...
That is to say - meteorologist photographers.

Most popular are sunrises, sunsets and northern lights (from where you are - city/country).

For example, also in England, this morning (town of Waltham, Lincolnshire county, i.e. he lives there and took the photo this morning):

Sergey Golubev:

And they know what all the clouds are called, I think - Latin ...
I mean - meteorological photographers.

Most popular are sunrises, sunsets and northern lights (from where you are - city/country).

For example, also in England, this morning (town of Waltham, Lincolnshire, i.e. he lives there and took the photo this morning):

How scary it all looks, just like "The Götterdämmerung".

Sergey Golubev:

There is a Twitter account (not mine, just found it) where users from different countries post sunrises, sunsets, clouds, etc.

For example -

I searched"sunrises, sunsets, clouds pics" and got so many pictures, I couldn't revise them in a day or even a week.

p.s. you really have a strange understanding of interesting and humour.


the dense Udmurt forest today 7:20 local time )

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Your "forbidden" in the thread title reminds me of such a good old Yeralash episode:

Politics and history are forbidden.

You should add to the subject, humour is also banned.


It is forbidden to make fun of politics... That's where we are going.

Even during the USSR years, comedians laughed at politics.

In 1937, it was dangerous to laugh, you laughed and the minimum was 10.


The heyday in the city:

Blooming in the city

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Politics and history are forbidden

I should add to the subject, humour is also forbidden.


Laughing at politics is forbidden... That's where we're going.

Even during the USSR years, comedians laughed at politics.

In 1937, it was dangerous to laugh, a laugh and a 10-year minimum.

Indeed, it should have been made clear that the ban only applied to foreign policy. Why shouldn't we laugh at domestic politics...

But one should make sure that one only laughs at domestic politics of one's own country).

Alexey Navoykov:

Indeed, it should have been made clear that the ban only applied to foreign policy. Why shouldn't we laugh at domestic politics?

No. ANY discussion of politics and history is banned in the RU section of the forum. There are too many "hot Chilean peppers" here.