Freelance's new design! - page 4

Mickey Moose:

let's look at it this way

the person the other day needed to attach a buzzer to the EA that goes off under certain conditions

Do you seriously think that writing a couple of lines costs $30? Or maybe 1-5?

For example I do this for free, just as a consultation.

Do you seriously believe that "alert" is a couple of lines?

An alert when the bar closes and an alert inside the bar. I don't want it to break inside the bar and I want it to be confirmed.

The alert inside the bar can be canceled when the bar is closed, or vice versa, the alert inside the bar can be absent and appear when the bar is closed.

An alert inside a bar can be short-lived and must be confirmed.

For example, my alert has seven internal functions, 14 settings in external parameters, more than 200 lines of code.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Do you seriously think an 'alert' is a couple of lines?

An alert at the close of a bar and an alert inside a bar. You don't want it to be frequent inside a bar, and you don't want it to be confirmed.

The alert inside the bar can be canceled when the bar is closed, or vice versa, the alert inside the bar can be absent and appear when the bar is closed.

An alert inside a bar can be short-lived and must be confirmed.

For example, my alert has seven internal functions, 14 settings in external parameters and more than 200 lines of code.

It was a "just to say something" thing...

Artyom Trishkin:

Then what is the point?

And, yes, show me how you do it in two lines.


There is a signal to open an order - we add a line playsound to the code with the file address, then copy it a couple of times to other places, changing the name of the music file. Is it difficult?

Or does it cost $30?
Mickey Moose:


There is a signal to open an order - we add a playsound line to the code with the file address, then copy in other places a couple of times, changing the name of the music file. Is it difficult?

Very funny.

Do you have to specify the file? Or where will he take it?

Does the file need to be added to resources? Or does it have to be dragged behind the Expert Advisor separately?

If the file is long and plays for a long time, should it be disabled on demand? Or let the entire song "Die, die, my darling" by Metallica play to the end?

If there are a lot of places like that, go ahead and do it in two lines. Isn't it worth your time to take apart someone else's code?

Mickey Moose:


There is a signal to open an order - we add a playsound line to the code with the file address, then copy in other places a couple of times, changing the name of the music file. Is it difficult?

Or does it cost $30?

My opinion, you want to work for free or for food -> go ahead and do it.

No one is stopping you from doing that.

Create a branch on the forum, for example, zabatsayu for free, what problems?

But on the freelance with their altruistic ideologies do not climb.

Do not stop people from earning a living.

Artyom Trishkin:

1. Yes, you do.

2. there are built into the terminal with a ready-made path


4. Yes, reading 2k lines is not very enjoyable, I take it as a free training and feature set for myself in my handbook "for the future"

Mickey Moose:

1. Yes, you do.

2. there are built into the terminal with a ready-made path


4. Yes, reading 2k lines is not very pleasant, I take it as a free training and feature set for myself in my handbook "for the future"

1. it's already a line.

2. What if you need non-built in? There are few of them, and "nothing".

3. how will the user stop?

4. Especially if there's a fair amount of junk...

Vladimir Gribachev:

My opinion, you want to work for free or for food -> go ahead and do it.

No one is stopping you from doing it.

Create a branch on the forum, for example, zabatsayu for free, what problems?

But on the freelance with their altruistic ideologies do not climb.

Do not stop people from earning a living.

Please read carefully

post that some jobs are not worth so much, and if you really think that around a lot of idiots who do not understand it - your right, get a loss of percentage of customers with this type of orders

Artyom Trishkin:

1. this is already a line.

2. and if you need non-built? There are few of them, and "nothing".

3. how will the user stop?

4. Especially if it's decent junk...

Artem, I perfectly understand what this says, and still I will stick to my opinion. Some things with an effort of 5-10 minutes of time are not worth the money.

Mickey Moose:

please read carefully

The post that some kinds of works do not cost so much, and if you really think that around full of idiots who do not understand it - your right, we get loss of percent of clients with this type of orders

Artyom, I understand what is being said, and yet I will stick to my opinion. Some things with an effort of 5-10 minutes of time are not worth the money.

Remembered this story )

The hammer blow

It took place in a factory in England, where some kind of large machine was built - I think it was a special type of blower. The plant couldn't get it to work. Engineers had been working on it for a long time, and the shops were standing still, but the blower wouldn't work. Finally the plant manager decided that outside help was needed and invited an expert to consult on the machine. The director did not take this step at once, as he was stingy and did not want to spend extra money to invite big professors, who in England had to pay high fees for consultations.
The professor arrived, looked at the machine, asked for a hammer or sledgehammer and struck the body of the machine several times. Some parts inside must have moved, came into place, and the machine started working. The workshops went into action, the factory came to life. The professor returned home and, in the English custom, sent the director of the factory a bill for £100 - not a small sum. The director was upset and indignant: "What on earth is this? A man comes here, hits the hammer two or three times and leaves, and I have to pay £100 for it? He decided to take the criticism off the professor," he sent a letter to the scholar, delicately requesting a more precise quotation for his work. He received the following reply: "I am entitled to £1 for coming to the works and hitting with a hammer," he wrote, "and I should be paid the remaining £99 for knowing where to hit with the hammer.
Пётр Капица: «Я ни у кого не спрашивал, можно ли мне носить бороду»
Пётр Капица: «Я ни у кого не спрашивал, можно ли мне носить бороду»
Три любимых поучительных истории великого учёного
Mickey Moose:

please read carefully

post that some jobs do not cost that much, and if you really think that around a lot of idiots who do not understand it - your right, get a loss of percentage of customers with this type of orders

We get a loss when people like you knock down the price and do the job for 1-5 dollars, sometimes for 10.

The number of orders for 5 dollars will not benefit anyone, a developer will go to another sphere because it makes no sense to work for 100 quid a month.

You will also soon stop working for a penny, that's it!!!, you're out of business! What next?

After such prices (1-5 dollars) the client begins to think that an EA for 3000 lines will cost 30-35 dollars maximum, and convincing him that such work costs 300 + is not realistic.

However, they find an altruist like you who is willing to do the job for 30 quid, stalls for a month, and then cancels the job through arbitrage.

ah, you don't even freelance...

then the customer reapplies and finds an altruist for $35 again, repetition is the mother of learning.....

And so around while we will not lose the customer, as he will have the opinion that his order was not normal anyone can not, and those who put the real price tag just want to cheat him.

ZS. 30 quid per alert is fine if you remove altruists like you, the customer will get used to the price tag very quickly ...

I even suggest you skewer half the freelancers for the future, which would be worthwhile.

mow down by flanking Cossacks with various checks.