Our favourite films and music - just for fun, not about trading - page 4


The song from Well, Wait a minute :)


Alexey Volchanskiy:

Oops, I love sci-fi and missed this one, senx

Downloaded it, read it, Earth colony on Mercury is super cool )))) Has Clark lost his mind in his old age?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Downloaded it, read it, Earth colony on Mercury is super cool )))) Has Clark lost his mind in his old age?

Don't jump to conclusions Alexei. Read the astronomical data on Mercury http://mks-onlain.ru/planet/mercury/

The planet faces the sun on one side. Temperatures are very low on the shady side. Creating planetary bases is quite possible if there is artificial gravity and anti-radiation protection. The case is in the future and being in close proximity to the Sun is of great value to scientists. Exploring the star could open up new sources of energy for all mankind. Clark is no fool at all, believe me.


If you suddenly think the world classicist is a fool, pinch yourself and ask "Who am I then?")

  • mks-onlain.ru
Итак, какова же планета Меркурий и что в ней такого особенного, что отличает ее от других планет? Наверное, прежде всего, стоит перечислить самое очевидное, что можно легко почерпнуть из разных источников, но без чего человеку будет трудно составить общую картину. На текущий момент (после того как Плутон был «разжалован» в карликовые планеты...

Why did I go to music school to learn the accordion instead of the guitar... I know how to play the guitar, but it's just amateurish.

Реter Konow:
Don't jump to conclusions Alexey. Read the astronomical data on Mercury http://mks-onlain.ru/planet/mercury/

The planet faces the sun on one side. Temperatures are very low on the shady side. Creating planetary bases is quite possible if there is artificial gravity and anti-radiation protection. The case is in the future and being in close proximity to the Sun is of great value to scientists. Exploring the star could open up new sources of energy for all mankind. Clark is no fool at all, believe me.


If it suddenly appears that the world classicist is a fool, pinch yourself and ask"Who am I then?".))

And I watched a movie about Mercury not too long ago, it said the station had to move following the light-shadow slice at a few km/hour to have a comfortable temperature.

And on Clarke, the question is, what would a colony of 112,000 earthlings be doing there? And how did the earthlings drain the Mediterranean Sea )))?

I don't consider myself clever. I consider myself a person accustomed to analysis.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

And I watched a movie about Mercury not too long ago, it said the station had to move following the light-shadow slice at a few km/hour to have a comfortable temperature.

And on Clarke, the question is, what would a colony of 112,000 earthlings be doing there? And how did the earthlings drain the Mediterranean Sea )))?

I don't consider myself clever. I consider myself a person used to analysis.

No offense, but when a person who considers himself unintelligent engages in analysis - the results will "not very" come out...)))

It is foolish to look for absolute plausibility in a work of fiction. You won't find absolute scientific plausibility in any fantasy novel - not by Clarke, Lem or the Strugatskys... Fiction, as a genre, relies on futurology - that is, on near-scientific assumptions that have a certain probability of becoming real in the future. Don't forget that each time or era, has its own scientific outlook and technological designs. The visions of the future 50 years ago and the current visions are strikingly different. It is foolish to reproach the author that his visions of the future, were based on the views of scientists appropriate to his time.

Therefore your "show-off" is inappropriate here. Yes and your phrase"I don't consider myself intelligent. I consider myself a person accustomed to analysis", sounds ridiculous and ridiculous.)

Реter Konow:

No offence, but when a person who considers himself unintelligent engages in analysis - the results are "not good"...))

It's silly to look for absolute plausibility in a work of fiction. You won't find absolute scientific plausibility in any fantasy novel - not by Clarke, Lem or the Strugatskys... Fiction, as a genre, relies on futurology - that is, on near-scientific assumptions that have a certain probability of becoming real in the future. Don't forget that each time or era, has its own scientific outlook and technological designs. The visions of the future 50 years ago and the current visions are strikingly different. It is foolish to reproach the author that his visions of the future, were based on the relevant scientific views of his time.

So your "show-off" is irrelevant here. And your phrase"I do not consider myself smart. I consider myself a person accustomed to analysis", sounds ridiculous and ridiculous.)

You're just a demagogue, boring you.

And don't be so nervous, he didn't launch a colony on the Sun, just Mercury ))