A suggestion for the ease of use of the MetaEditor - page 7


Andrey Khatimlianskii:

No resources for a customisable styliser - understandable. It's not like anyone is pushing it.

But why take a cross, and go telling everyone that your faith is the right one (with absolutely no argument!)??

Exactly. Nausea needs to go to other forums.

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Roche, what's the problem with gagging? I have the MQ style as well, so am I being rude to someone by saying that?

Format the kodobase however you like, it can even be done automatically when you load the code, without straining the coder. I'm just remembering: I write code, style it for MQ, save it under a new name and upload it for review. Then I cancel styling and continue writing. Isn't it nonsense?

I don't have resources for a customizable styler. It's not like anyone's making it fit.
But why take the cross, and go tell everyone that your faith is the most correct (with absolutely no argument!??)

Similarly ))

Rashid Umarov:

Exactly. You need to go to other forums to get sick of it.

Is it comfortable to see things this way? A sore subject?

It started out fine - they asked for a familiar style. They asked many times. Several people.

Nausea has emerged in response to your (yours, Renata, it seems someone else's) insistent exhortations that "MQ style is the coolest". That's why you need this trashiness? Why move it to the masses?

Andrey Khatimlianskii:

Is it comfortable to see things this way? A sore subject?

It started out fine - they asked for a familiar style. They asked many times. Several people.

Nausea has emerged in response to your (yours, Renata, it seems someone else's) insistent exhortations that "MQ style is the coolest". That's why you need this trashiness? Why move it to the masses?

Andrew, clarify what internationalism you are in favor of. Is it that everyone here exercises in wit and spout vulgar clichés?

Or are you in favor of allowing users to use your own style of code formatting?

What you're trying to translate into personal motives ("a sore subject" and so on) won't do anyone any good. Don't think you're being a lawyer here, forcing you to accept such hit-and-runs as the norm.


The tension in this case seems to be caused by a very subtle difference in the perception and use of the Russian language depending on the geographical location of the opponents. The language is >99% the same, but usage and perception <1% may differ, causing sometimes complete misunderstandings and conflicts.

The topic of improving the native Editor gets excited with enviable regularity. The developer's stance on this issue will soften, hopefully. Water cuts stones :-)
I myself once referred on a forum to the convenience of the VS plugin VisualAssist.
It would be great if the user had a choice in Settings as to which style to use.
Dennis Kirichenko:
The topic of improving the native Editor excites with enviable regularity. Maybe the developer's stance on this issue will soften. Water cuts stones :-)
I myself once referred on a forum to the convenience of the VS plugin VisualAssist.
It would be great if the user had a choice in Settings which style to use.

Denis, even my JD browser reacted to the phrase VisualAssist ))

Rashid Umarov:

Andrei, what kind of internationalism are you in favour of? Is it to have everyone here practising wit and spouting vulgar clichés?

Or are you in favor of allowing users to use their own style of code formatting?

What you're trying to translate into personal motives ("a sore subject" and so on) won't do anyone any good. Don't think that you are here as a lawyer to make such hit-and-runs be accepted as the norm.

Rashid, I repeat, the poignancy of the situation is caused, in my opinion, by MQ's position (yours in particular).

There is no pushback until one of you states something along the lines of:

A suggestion for the ease of use of MetaEditor

Rashid Umarov, 2017.09.28 12:22

Nothing like that - I write in two different environments with two different formatting styles - not nauseating.

So don't make it up, just get used to it.

It's called shutting up and munching.

Although, one could have responded quite normally, such as "Your suggestion is heard and will probably be implemented in future versions". Or at least just "Your proposal is heard but, unfortunately, will not be implemented". And no one will make a fuss.

Wow! What an argument. I've never really thought about styles, probably because I'm not a coder, but just an amateur. I never learned anything except pascal (even partially) in technical college, but my interest in Forex made me learn how to program in MQ. I never even paid attention to styles, because I probably don't mind putting blanks and put code in a convenient way for my perception and signing all blocks in details, so that I don't have to remember later what I was calculating there...

The same requirements for class names - that they start with the letter C. Good thing common sense prevailed and such requirements were no longer imposed.

The class naming requirement is justified until the error of compilation of the following is eliminated

#include <Controls\WndContainer.mqh>
class Rect {};
void OnStart()
        Rect rect; //ошибка где то там...

'Rect' - invalid cast operation WndContainer.mqh 386 25
'Rect' - parameter passed as reference, variable expected WndContainer.mqh 386 25

I understood from the ServiceDesk's reply that there are no plans to fix such errors. You cannot call a Rect class just because someone might have a Rect() method