My account got hit? What's that all about? Are the hackers hacking me again? I took a screenshot. - page 7


I haven't sold anything here for a long time. I've never done freelancing before.


In trouble, only devils come.

Galina Bobro:

Is it at least until Mon, now to live without money?

I was wondering why freelancing is so quiet today, but here it is.

Why do you keep money on your website?

It's safer under the mattress.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

why keep the money on the website?

It's safer under the mattress.

Yeah, especially when I get my hands on it, it's a wreck) That's why I don't withdraw it

I'm spreading my money around - on different payment systems for different purposes.

Galina Bobro:

Yeah, especially when I get my hands on them, they're dead in the water) That's why I don't withdraw much

I'm cashing out - on different payment systems for different purposes.

I now live alone, learned to control the shopping ))) And women, yes, often have this problem. A typical picture, 20 shoes and 10 boots in the wardrobe, many of which have never worn ))

does anyone remember how to spell the direct link to the money? I'm experimenting here, it should work if I remember...

Galina Bobro:

does anyone remember how to spell the direct link to the money? I'm experimenting here, it should work if I remember...

It won't work, the whole account tree is down.
won't work, the whole account tree is down.

I've just been selected in an order - hope for the money shone through)

Hooray!!! Restored.
Thanks to the admin and moderators for the fairness.
