My account got hit? What's that all about? Are the hackers hacking me again? I took a screenshot. - page 4

Alexander Ivanov:

Let them pull the plug, for that matter.

Let's sign the petition: "Free the Ivanovs!"


The first 256 signatures have been collected!

Another 1024 are required!


Well laugh on your bones.
Yury Kirillov:

Sign the petition: "Free the Ivanovs!"

Don't bother signing it. We should go straight to the UN and the International Court of Justice in The Hague!

Alexander Ivanov:
Laugh at the bones.
Tell me what you've done.
Alexander Ivanov:
Laugh at the bones.

You shouldn't have traded a hedgehog for a pussycat! Hedgehogs retaliate violently!

What could I have done? Didn't hack the server in any way. Didn't write much. Didn't sell bots, rented some. That's all.
Alexander Ivanov:
What could I have done? Didn't hack the server in any way. Didn't write much. Didn't sell bots, rented some. That's all.

You're out of your depth.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

with a big choir!

@Renat Fatkhullin

Are you organising a mass event using the internet telecommunications network? Did you get approval? Nu-Nu....

Why, you mock like devils...