BRENT - page 14


It's not about the type of contract, it's about the principles of futures trading.

That is exactly what I was talking about.

You wrote for real sellers of oil as a commodity.
There are no real sellers of oil in this MOEX contract because the contract is speculative.
Because it is BRENT, it is not Russian oil.

Russian oil supply contracts, traded on the SPb commodity exchange.

Код типа фьючерса Наименование типа фьючерса Активных серий Вид контракта: Базовый актив: Базис поставки: Котировка: Объем контракта: Поставочная партия: Последний день торгов: День/период исполнения: Цена исполнения: Способ исполнения: Биржевой сбор: Клиринговый сбор: Размер ставки обеспечения по фьючерсу...

You wrote for the actual sellers of oil as a commodity.
There are no real sellers of oil in this MOEX contract, because the contract is speculative.
Because it is BRENT, it is not Russian oil.

Russian crude oil supply contracts, traded on the St Petersburg Mercantile Exchange.

So? I wrote as far as it relates to the general principles of futures trading.


We have settlement and other exchanges have delivery.

The discussion was not about specific buyers and sellers (the real ones) on MOEX,

but that our exchange has violated the principles of futures trading.



So? Writing, insofar as it relates to the general principles of futures trading.

I guess you have to understand the difference between a settlement contract and a delivery contract.
For settlement contracts, the exchange has the right to change the CS as it sees fit, the same principle of forex.
The contract is for speculation. You may call it a CFD.


You have to understand the difference between a settlement contract and a delivery contract.
For settlement contracts, the exchange has the right to change the CS as it sees fit, the same principle of forex.
The contract is for speculation. You may call it a CFD.

There is no need to "comb" anything about the BRENT oil contract, which is a futures contract,

and must be traded according to the rules of futures contracts!

Otherwise it must be part of another group of instruments.

The rules should always be the same, and not change depending on whether it is profitable for the Exchange or not!

And do not forget, the exchange takes a commission of 0.71 rubles for each transaction, both from the seller and from the buyer, i.e. 1.42 rubles.

If they hedged their risks by increasing SE with exceeding the price of the contract itself, the commission must be less!

Otherwise it looks like with petrol: when the oil price rises, the price of petrol rises; when the oil price falls, the price of petrol rises!

Нефть: статьи, новости, прогнозы - Блоги трейдеров и аналитика финансовых рынков
Нефть: статьи, новости, прогнозы - Блоги трейдеров и аналитика финансовых рынков
Нефть — природная маслянистая горючая жидкость, состоящая из сложной смеси углеводородов. Предположительно она образовалась десятки и сотни миллионов лет назад в результате естественной переработки

There is no need to "comb" anything about the BRENT oil contract, which is a futures contract,

and must be traded according to the rules of futures contracts!

Can you specifically state which clause of which rules has been violated? Or is it just general theoretical reasoning again?


There is no need to "comb" anything about the BRENT oil contract, which is a futures contract,

and must be traded according to the rules of futures contracts!

Otherwise it must be part of another group of instruments.

The rules should always be the same, and not change depending on whether it is profitable for the Exchange or not!

And do not forget, the exchange takes a commission of 0.71 rubles for each transaction, both from the seller and from the buyer, i.e. 1.42 rubles.

If they hedged their risks by increasing the SE with exceeding the price of the contract itself, the commission must be less!

Otherwise, it is like with petrol: if the price of oil goes up, the price of petrol goes up; if oil goes down, the price of petrol goes up!

And no one is combing it, you just don't hear what is being explained to you.
The BRENT futures contract is traded on the ICE and the margin requirement for the Jun-20 contract is $6910.
There is only settlement futures traded on the MOEX! SPECULATIVE contract.
The settlement futures can be compared to a CFD on the forex market, only with an exchange-traded execution.
For this type of contract the exchange sets its own rules.
The settlement contract does not overlap with a real deliverable contract.

Did you know that on so-called MOEX futures contracts, the stock exchange allows you to open different positions on the same instrument.
It seems to be the stock exchange, with exchange rules, but for some reason it has a forex aspect.
MOEX is its own boss, it sets its own rules.
And the change of CS, is its leverage on speculators.

It turns out that the exchange raised the GO for sellers twice as much as the buyer.
Thus, stimulating the sellers to reduce the volume of speculative sales.
Some sort of leverage on sellers to short.
In a high volatility period, or in a non-standard situation, the exchange can raise the CS as it sees fit.
And the May contract showed this abnormal situation.
In general, this is the way it adjusts the situation.
Plus the weekend in May is around the corner, we need to be reinsured for the off-trading period.

And the CS change is its leverage on speculators.

It does not regulate, it manipulates.

The most important speculator here is the stock exchange.

Futures trading was stopped at 8 and positions were closed at -40.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Futures trading was stopped at 8 and positions were closed at -40, it is up to the regulators to sort it out.

They will not deal with it according to the rules, as some people here suggest, but according to the rules. If the trading rules/regulations are not violated, then there is no reason to cancel the results

Sergey Chalyshev:

Not regulating, but manipulating.

The most important speculator here is the stock exchange.

Futures trading was stopped at 8 and positions were closed at -40, it's up to the regulators to sort it out.

Well, you could say that, it's a shithole.
Have you ever wondered why the settlement day on MOEX futures starts at the beginning of the evening session and moves on to the next day.